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What is the purpose of type arguments in constructor call following new?



In the Java specification (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.9), new has the following form:

ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::=
| new TypeArguments_opt TypeDeclSpecifier TypeArgumentsOrDiamond_opt
    ( ArgumentListopt ) ClassBodyopt
| Primary . new TypeArguments_opt Identifier TypeArgumentsOrDiamond_opt
    ( ArgumentListopt ) ClassBodyopt

What is the purpose of the first optional type argument list after the new? I was not able to find it from my read of section 15.9 (all references to type arguments list seem to refer to the list after the type/identifier). Testing out random bits on the standard Java compiler yields confusing results:

public class Foo<T> { }
// ...
Foo<Integer> t1 = new <Integer> Foo<Integer>();  // works
Foo<Integer> t2 = new <Integer> Foo();           // works -- unchecked warning missing the type arg after Foo
Foo<Integer> t3 = new <Boolean> Foo<Integer>();  // works
Foo<Integer> t4 = new <Float, Boolean> Foo<Integer>();  // works
Foo<Integer> t5 = new <NotDefined> Foo<Integer>();  // fails -- NotDefined is undefined

On theses simple examples, it doesn't seem like this first parameter list does anything meaningful although it parses and checks for the validity of its arguments.

like image 805
psosera Avatar asked Sep 08 '13 21:09


People also ask

What is arguments in constructor?

It is used to prevent a specific constructor from being called implicitly when constructing an object. For example, without the explicit keyword, the following code is valid C++: Array a = 10; This will call the Array single-argument constructor with the integer argument of 10.

What is arguments in constructor Java?

A Constructor with arguments(or you can say parameters) is known as Parameterized constructor. As we discussed in the Java Constructor tutorial that a constructor is a special type of method that initializes the newly created object.

Can constructors take arguments?

Passing Objects As ArgumentsWe can also pass arguments while creating other instances of a class. In this way parameterized constructors fulfills the need to copy one object's values to another. In the above example, we initialize obj1 using a string.

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Explanation: Here, we see a default constructor with no arguments and a default constructor with one default argument. The default constructor with argument has a default parameter x, which has been assigned a value of 0.

2 Answers

Constructors can declare type parameters too

public class Main {     
    public static class Foo<T> {
        public <E> Foo(T object, E object2) {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Foo<Integer> foo = new <String> Foo<Integer>(1, "hello");           

That's what the <String> preceding the constructor call is for. It is the type argument for the constructor.

The following

Foo<Integer> foo = new <String> Foo<Integer>(1, new Object());

fails with

The parameterized constructor Foo(Integer, String) of type Main.Foo is not applicable for the arguments (Integer, Object)

In your last

Foo<Integer> t5 = new <NotDefined> Foo<Integer>();  // fails -- NotDefined is undefined

NotDefined is just not a type that is found during compilation. If it was, it would just give you a warning that it is unused.

like image 63
Sotirios Delimanolis Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11

Sotirios Delimanolis

You can add useless type arguments for method invocations, weird stuff like



see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-15.html#jls-

a non-generic method may be potentially applicable to an invocation that supplies explicit type arguments. Indeed, it may turn out to be applicable. In such a case, the type arguments will simply be ignored.

This rule stems from issues of compatibility and principles of substitutability. Since interfaces or superclasses may be generified independently of their subtypes, we may override a generic method with a non-generic one. However, the overriding (non-generic) method must be applicable to calls to the generic method, including calls that explicitly pass type arguments. Otherwise the subtype would not be substitutable for its generified supertype.

like image 37
ZhongYu Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11
