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What is the purpose of the 'state' parameter in OAuth authorization request




In OAuth, the initial authorization request has a state parameter. Apparently it's there for security reasons, but I don't really understand against what it protects... For instance, on GitHub the description of this parameter is:

An unguessable random string. It is used to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks.

From what I can see, the state from the authorization request is just passed as a parameter to the redirect URL like this:


Could someone explain the exact purpose of this parameter?

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Thomas Levesque Avatar asked Sep 30 '14 23:09

Thomas Levesque

People also ask

What is state query parameter?

The “state” parameter is sent during the initial Authorization Request and sent back from the Authorization Server to the Client along with the Code (that can be later exchanged to a token). The Client should use the content of this parameter to make sure the Code it received matches the Authorization Request it sent.

What is state authentication?

Token-based authentication enables users to obtain a token that allows them to access a service and/or fetch a specific resource without using their username and password to authenticate every request.

What is state and nonce in OAuth?

Traditionally, the state parameter is used to provide protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks on OAuth. The newer mechanisms PKCE (RFC7636) and the OpenID Connect parameter nonce not only protect against CSRF, but they also provide some level of protection against Code Injection attacks.

1 Answers

The state parameter is used to protect against XSRF. Your application generates a random string and sends it to the authorization server using the state parameter. The authorization server sends back the state parameter. If both state are the same => OK. If state parameters are different, someone else has initiated the request.

The example from Google is maybe clearer: https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2Login?hl=en#createxsrftoken

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meziantou Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 15:10
