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What is the purpose of Attributes in C#?

  • What is the purpose of Attributes in C#?

  • How do I know which attribute have to use for particular functionality?

  • How can I add them dynamically in c#?

  • What are custom attributes ?

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Red Swan Avatar asked Sep 09 '10 05:09

Red Swan

People also ask

What is the purpose of attribute?

Attributes provide a powerful method of associating metadata, or declarative information, with code (assemblies, types, methods, properties, and so forth). After an attribute is associated with a program entity, the attribute can be queried at run time by using a technique called reflection.

What is the use of __ attribute __ in C?

The __attribute__ directive is used to decorate a code declaration in C, C++ and Objective-C programming languages. This gives the declared code additional attributes that would help the compiler incorporate optimizations or elicit useful warnings to the consumer of that code.

What is the meaning of attributes in C++?

Attributes are modern ways in C++ to standardize things if their code runs on different compilers. Attributes are used to provide some extra information that is used to enforce conditions (constraints), optimization and do specific code generation if required.

2 Answers

  1. Attributes are meant to add additional information about a class, function, etc. Compilers sometimes do special things when they see an attribute. Other attributes are looked at by libraries while the program is running.

  2. Start by looking at the documentation for the functionality you want. It should list what attributes are necessary.

  3. No. Attributes can only be applied before the code is compiled.

  4. That is just an attribute you created yourself as opposed to one that came with .NET.

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Jonathan Allen Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11

Jonathan Allen

When you write your code you answer the "what?" question:

  1. what to do? (methods)
  2. what to store? (fields and properties)
  3. what is what? (class hierarchies)

etc. Attributes add another dimension to this question. They answer the "how?" question. And the reply to the "how?" question may be important for IDE,

public string NotImportantField { get; set; } // property which will not be displayed in VS

for the compiler

private static RequestContext context; // field which will be different for every thread

or for another code which analyzes yours via reflection.

public string NotSerializableField { get; set; } // property which will not be xml-serialized

you might want to define custom attributes, if your assemblies, classes, fields, methods, etc. will be analyzed or invoked via reflection (which is often the case for example with inversion of control containers and aspect-oriented programming). Such attribute might (and often are the only way to) instruct the invoker or analyzer to behave differently depending on such attribute presence or its properties.

About your first question, well, how we know which method to call for a particular result? One of the advantages of being a .NET developer is that everything is documented pretty thoroughly. :)

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Primary Key Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 02:11

Primary Key