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What is the problem with ODBC as a technology?




Recently Zed Shaw (a programmer who blogs) mentioned that ODBC references should be removed from the popular python book Dive into Python. I have never worked with ODBC and I just wanted to understand why ODBC is so "bad". What are the pros and cons of the technology? What alternatives are there?

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Andrew Kou Avatar asked Apr 27 '10 19:04

Andrew Kou

People also ask

What are the shortfalls of ODBC?

Severs not standardized: In ODBC since most of the work is done by clients, it is difficult to scale. In addition to this in ODBC driver servers are not sufficiently standardized. Therefore, clients maintain their own drivers, naming tables, and macros, which complicates management at larger sites.

Is ODBC outdated?

ODBC remains in wide use today, with drivers available for most platforms and most databases.

What is ODBC in Web technology?

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an open standard application programming interface (API) that allows application programmers to access any database.

Should we use ODBC?

Professional design standards: ODBC is unparalleled when it comes to reliability, scalability, performance & security powering as a leading data integration solution.

1 Answers

The biggest issue is that 64 Bit support is not entirely available across different data sources. Another problem is that people often bridge ODBC from another technology where they could simply eliminate the unnecessary layers of complexity. For example, JDBC->ODBC when they could simply go JDBC direct.

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Keith Adler Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Keith Adler