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What is the preferred naming convention for Func<TResult> method parameters?


I admit that this question is subjective but I am interested in the view of the community. I have a cache class that takes a cache loader function of type Func<TResult>, which it uses to retrieve a value from the database and store it in cache.

public static class Cache {     public TResult Get<TResult>(string cacheKey, Func<TResult> cacheLoader)      {         // Implementation     } } 

My question is: How should I name the function parameter?

  • Should I name it like an object, e.g. cacheLoader?
  • Should I name it like a method, e.g. loadResult?
  • Should I explicitly refer to it as a function, e.g. cacheLoadFunction? (I don't like this.)

I'm less interested in what I should name this particular function parameter and more interested in how you name function parameters in general. What say ye, Stack Overflow community?

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John Bledsoe Avatar asked May 19 '11 16:05

John Bledsoe

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2 Answers

There are precedents for using a noun in the Framework, e.g.

Enumerable.Average<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, decimal?> selector)  Enumerable.Count<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate)  Enumerable.GroupBy<TSource, TKey, TElement>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector)  ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue>.GetOrAdd(TKey key,              Func<TKey, TValue> valueFactory); 

The noun is often an appropriate verb with an agentive suffix.

In your example I would use something like loader or possibly valueFactory. I personally don't like cacheLoader because presumably it's the caller rather than the delegate that does the work of inserting in the cache.

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Joe Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 23:10


I like to name it like a method so that when you invoke it, like this:


it looks like an ordinary method call but the casing indicates that it is a variable, so both pieces of information are conveyed.

You can append a suffix like Method or Delegate or Lambda but those often just make it verbose without adding clarity. It can depend on the situation and your coding standards, and of course your preferences.

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Rick Sladkey Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10

Rick Sladkey