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What is the part of a URL before the domain name called?




So I have 2 questions:

  1. What is this part called? en.wikipedia.org, the part before the domain name.
  2. I wanted to make something like that for my website, like firstName.lastName.web For my personal page on my family web site.

    How do I do that? I know that if I just put a folder in the root folder, its treated as a /. Like so: lastName.web/firstName.HTML. That's fine, but not what I wanted.

like image 799
mitwilsch Avatar asked Oct 07 '12 22:10


People also ask

What is the part of the URL after the domain called?

The part after the TLD is known as the 'path'. This is because it directs the browser to a specific page on the website.

What are the parts of a domain name called?

Domain names are the unique, human-readable Internet addresses of websites. They are made up of three parts: a top-level domain (sometimes called an extension or domain suffix), a domain name (or IP address), and an optional subdomain.

1 Answers

It's called a subdomain. Creating a subdomain varies on who you have your domain name registered to. A quick google search should be able to solve this for you.

like image 149
Greg Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10
