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What is the "ownerID" in Immutable.js?

I'm going through Immutable.js's source code and there's an ownerID field that I don't understand.

Here's the source for Map.asMutable() and Map.asImmutable(): https://github.com/facebook/immutable-js/blob/master/src/Map.js#L171

It seems like the only difference between a mutable and an immutable object are their ownerIDs. What is an ownerID and what is it used for?

like image 939
Leo Jiang Avatar asked Mar 14 '16 21:03

Leo Jiang

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The object being frozen is said to be immutable because the entire object state (values and references to other objects) within the whole object is fixed. Note that strings, numbers, and booleans are always immutable and that Functions and Arrays are objects.

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Numbers, for instance, are immutable because you can't change its value. For example, you can't literarily change the value of 7 to 8. That doesn't make sense. Instead, you can change the value stored in the variable x from 7 to 8.

2 Answers

If you track back the property:


          MakeRef, SetRef, arrCopy } from './TrieUtils'

in src/TrieUtils.js :


// A function which returns a value representing an "owner" for transient writes
// to tries. The return value will only ever equal itself, and will not equal
// the return of any subsequent call of this function.
export function OwnerID() {}

It is some property they create like hash to represent a virtual owner.

like image 78
ProllyGeek Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09


It is used to ensure mutability in asMutable returned instances. When asMutable is invoked, it ensures an __ownerId and returns the current instance back -

asMutable() {
    return this.__ownerID ? this : this.__ensureOwner(new OwnerID());

Then any supported mutating operations return the current instance back, instead of creating a new instance with the changes (which is key for immutability).

E.g., here's how the "clear" method operates based on the presence of __ownerId -

clear() {
    if (this.size === 0) {
      return this;
    if (this.__ownerID) {
      this.size = 0;
      this._root = null;
      this.__hash = undefined;
      this.__altered = true;
      return this;
    return emptyMap();

Notice that when this.__ownerID is present, the method returns the current instance (thereby mutating itself). But when it is absent, it returns a new map for ensuring immutability.

like image 44
hazardous Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09
