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What is the order of evaluation in F#?

I was reading this and now wonder: what is the evaluation order in F#?

Obviously ; makes effects happen in a sequential fashion. But what about things like function calls or applications, order of evaluation for operators, and the like.

I've glanced at the F# spec, but there is no mention of that. Thanks for any insight!

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Stringer Avatar asked Jan 22 '11 07:01


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1 Answers

I found some emails where we fixed the implementation to have a rigid application order. The code

open System

let f a =
   Console.WriteLine "app1"; 
   fun b -> 
       Console.WriteLine "app2"; 

(Console.WriteLine "f"; f) (Console.WriteLine "arg1") (Console.WriteLine "arg2")

will print "f", "arg1", "arg2", "app1", "app2". However this didn't make it into the spec. I'll file a spec bug.

(Some other portions of the spec are already more explicit, e.g.

6.9.6 Evaluating Method Applications

For elaborated applications of methods, the elaborated form of the expression will be either expr.M(args) or M(args).

  • The (optional) expr and args are evaluated in left-to-right order and the body of the member is evaluated in an environment with formal parameters that are mapped to corresponding argument values.

  • If expr evaluates to null then NullReferenceException is raised.

  • If the method is a virtual dispatch slot (that is, a method that is declared abstract) then the body of the member is chosen according to the dispatch maps of the value of expr.

That said, some experts believe that you will live a longer, happier life if you do not rely on evaluation order. :) )

(Possibly see also



for more on how easy it is to screw things up with evaluation order.)

like image 167
Brian Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09
