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What is the meaning of " thread dump" [closed]

I want to know what a java thread dump is. Can someone please help me understand what a thread dump is and how it relates to a running java program?

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9ine Avatar asked Sep 05 '12 08:09


People also ask

What does thread dump mean?

A thread dump is a snapshot of the state of all the threads of a Java process. The state of each thread is presented with a stack trace, showing the content of a thread's stack. A thread dump is useful for diagnosing problems, as it displays the thread's activity.

What causes thread dump?

Thread dump was generated due to the long running requester. This was identified on the performance testing. We would like to check the configurations for threshold for the long running requester and thread dump generation threshold, will increase the value if required.

How do you read a thread dump?

A thread dump provides a snapshot of the current state of a running Java process. However, the generated data includes multiple long files. Thus, we'll need to analyze Java thread dumps and dig for the issue in a big chunk of unrelated information.

How do I enable thread dump?

Generating thread dumps on windowsClick the console window and press <CTRL>+BREAK (or SHIFT+CTRL+PAUSE on some keyboards). The thread dump will print directly to the console.

1 Answers

A Java thread dump is a way of finding out what every thread in the JVM is doing at a particular point in time. This is especially useful if your Java application sometimes seems to hang when running under load, as an analysis of the dump will show where the threads are stuck.

You can generate a thread dump under Unix/Linux by running kill -QUIT <pid>, and under Windows by hitting Ctl + Break.

To Know how to take thread dump from JVM see here

To know how to create thread dump see here

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heretolearn Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09
