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What is the meaning of testb instruction?



Can any one tell me the meaning of the following:

gdb> disas 0x080ed5af 

0x080ed5ac <func1+205>:        mov    0x8(%eax),%eax

0x080ed5af <func1+208>:        testb  $0x10,0x8(%eax)

0x080ed5b3 <func1+212>:        jne    0x80ed604 <dapriv_disk_op+293>

0x080ed5b5 <func1+214>:        mov    %edi,(%esp)

What is the meaning of testb $0x10,0x8(%eax)?

like image 416
vik123 Avatar asked Jul 17 '13 11:07


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1 Answers

It performs a bitwise AND of the two operands (0x10 AND 0x8(%eax) (this is, the value of the byte located at the address pointed to by %eax + 0x8). Neither of the operands is altered, however, the instruction alters the flags, most importantly the ZF flag to either 1 if the result of the AND is zero, or 0 otherwise. The following jne performs a jump if ZF is equal to 0.

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JustSid Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 10:10
