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What is the max amount of simultaneous connections for Firestore?

I know that the max number of simultaneous connections for Firebase's real-time database is ~100,000, but what about for Firestore?

For example, how many users could actively listen for document changes on a document? What is the "comfortable" limit for this (not just the theoretical max)?

like image 669
TheRyan722 Avatar asked Mar 02 '18 19:03


People also ask

Can firebase handle 10 million users?

The limit you're referring to is the limit for the number of concurrently connected users to Firebase Realtime Database on the free Spark plan. Once you upgrade to a payment plan, your project will allow 200,000 simultaneously connected users.

How many documents can firestore handle?

There's essentially no limit to the number of documents you can store in a collection or retrieve in one request.

How many concurrent connections can I have in FireStore?

Keep in mind the standard limits for Firestore. Pay special attention to the 1 write per second limit for documents and the limit of 1,000,000 concurrent connections per database. These are soft limits that Firestore does not stop you from exceeding.

How many fields should my Documents have in FireStore?

Your documents should have fewer than 100 fields. Keep in mind the standard limits for Firestore. Pay special attention to the 1 write per second limit for documents and the limit of 1,000,000 concurrent connections per database. These are soft limits that Firestore does not stop you from exceeding.

Is there a limit on number of index entries in FireStore?

This is not a hard limit, and you can surpass the limit in short bursts. Firestore does not stop you from exceeding this soft limit but doing so greatly affects latency and error rate. The following limits apply to single-field indexes and composite indexes: The number of index entries is the sum of the following for a document:

How do I set a daily spending limit for Cloud Firestore?

Spending limits set before December 12 still apply. To cap your Cloud Firestore usage, set a daily spending limit through App Engine. App Engine allows you to set a daily spending limit on App Engine associated resources, including Cloud Firestore. The App Engine limit does not apply to any other Firebase products.

1 Answers

See Quotas and Limits from the Cloud Firestore docs. That is and will remain the authoritative answer. Currently (during beta), 1M concurrent connections is the limit, but the number may/will change once it reaches general availability.

like image 153
Michael Bleigh Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10

Michael Bleigh