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What is the major difference between maven `-f` and `-pl` parameters?



When executing mvn test -f file-directory and mvn test -pl project. What is the difference in internal execution of the both ?

like image 940
hemanik Avatar asked Aug 23 '17 16:08


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-f,--file <arg> Force the use of an alternate POM file. -pl,--projects <arg> Comma-delimited list of specified reactor projects to build instead of all projects. A project can be specified by [groupId]:artifactId or by its relative path.

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1 Answers

From mvn -help

 -f,--file <arg>                        Force the use of an alternate POM

 -pl,--projects <arg>                   Comma-delimited list of specified
                                        reactor projects to build instead
                                        of all projects. A project can be
                                        specified by [groupId]:artifactId
                                        or by its relative path.

Example Usage:

  • -f
    • If you want to build a Maven project but you are running Maven from a directory other than the directory which contains the pom.xml for that project.
    • If (for some reason) your POM file is not named pom.xml
  • -pl
    • If you want to build a Maven build focussing on a sub set of the parent project's sub modules
    • If you want to resume a multiple module Maven build from the point at which a previous build failed

Given this project structure ...

+- tools
| |
| +- build
| |
+- projects
| |
| +- parent
|    |
|    +- pom.xml
| +- childA
|    |
|    +- pom.xml
| +- childB
|    |
|    +- pom.xml

You could ...

  • Build the parent project from the tools/build directory by using -f e.g.
    • cd tools/build; mvn -f ../../projects/parent/pom.xml
  • Build only the childA sub module from the tools/build directory by using -f and -pl e.g.
    • cd tools/build; mvn -f ../../projects/parent/pom.xml -pl parent:childA
  • Build only the childB sub module from the parent directory by using -pl e.g.
    • cd projects/parent; mvn -pl parent:childB
like image 181
glytching Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09
