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What is the limit of the Value Type BigInteger in C#?

As described in MSDN BigInteger is :

An immutable type that represents an arbitrarily large integer whose value in theory has no upper or lower bounds.

As I can see BigInteger is a ValueType, as much as I know, a ValueType must have a maximum size of 16 bytes.

MSDN goes further saying :

an OutOfMemoryException can be thrown for any operation that causes a BigInteger value to grow too large.

and more :

Although this process is transparent to the caller, it does incur a performance penalty. In some cases, especially when repeated operations are performed in a loop on very large BigInteger values

How could it store such big values, as big as double.MaxValue + double.MaxValue ? I was told that it has ReferenceType obejects inside it, but all I can find here in its definition in VisualStudio is ValueTypes.

What's its real limit ? And even if doesn't have one, how can it "as a value type" manage to store all that amount of data ?

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AymenDaoudi Avatar asked Feb 18 '14 14:02


People also ask

What is the max value of BigInteger?

A big integer is a binary integer with a precision of 63 bits. The range of big integers is -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807.

What is BigInteger in C?

The BIGINT data type is a machine-independent method for representing numbers in the range of -2 63-1 to 2 63-1. ESQL/C provides routines that facilitate the conversion from the BIGINT data type to other data types in the C language. The BIGINT data type is internally represented with the ifx_int8_t structure.

What is BigInt data type in C#?

The BigInteger type is an immutable type that represents an arbitrarily large integer whose value in theory has no upper or lower bounds. The members of the BigInteger type closely parallel those of other integral types (the Byte, Int16, Int32, Int64, SByte, UInt16, UInt32, and UInt64 types).

Is long the same as BigInt?

The equivalent of Java long in the context of MySQL variables is BigInt. In Java, the long datatype takes 8 bytes while BigInt also takes the same number of bytes.

2 Answers

As I can see BigInteger is a ValueType, as much as I know, a ValueType must have a maximum size of 16 bytes.

No, that's not true. It's a conventional limit, but it's entirely feasible for a value type to take more than that. For example:

public struct Foo {
    private readonly int a, b, c, d, e; // Look ma, 20 bytes!

However, I strongly suspect that BigInteger actually includes a reference to a byte array:

public struct BigInteger {
    private readonly byte[] data;
    // Some other fields...

(Moslem Ben Dhaou's answer shows one current implementation using int and uint[], but of course the details of this are intentionally hidden.)

So the value of a BigInteger can still be small, but it can refer to a big chunk of memory - and if there isn't enough memory to allocate what's required when you perform some operation, you'll get an exception.

How could it store such big values, as big as double.MaxValue + double.MaxValue ?

Well BigInteger is for integers, so I wouldn't particularly want to use it for anything to do with double... but fundamentally the limitations are going to be around how much memory you've got and the size of array the CLR can cope with. In reality, you'd be talking about enormous numbers before actually hitting the limit for any specific number - but if you have gazillions of smaller numbers, that obviously has large memory requirements too.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10

Jon Skeet

As a confirmation to the answer from Jon Skeet, I looked to the source code of BigInteger. It actually contains two internal properties as follow:

internal int _sign;
internal uint[] _bits;

_bits is used by almost all private/public methods within the class which are used to read/write the actual data.

_sign is used to keep the sign of the BigInteger.

The private methods are extensively using binary operators and calculations. Here is a small list of constants used in the class that might reflect a bit the limits:

private const int knMaskHighBit = -2147483648;
private const uint kuMaskHighBit = 2147483648U;
private const int kcbitUint = 32;
private const int kcbitUlong = 64;
private const int DecimalScaleFactorMask = 16711680;
private const int DecimalSignMask = -2147483648;

PS: I should have commented on J.S. answer, but a comment is too short. To view the source code, either download it or decompile System.Numerics.dll.

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Moslem Ben Dhaou Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10

Moslem Ben Dhaou