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What is the inversion of the Shunting Yard algorithm?

Dijkstra's Shunting Yard algorithm is used to parse an infix notation and generate RPN output.

I am looking for the opposite, a way to turn RPN into highschool-math-class style infix notation, in order to represent RPN expressions from a database to lay users in an understandable way.

Please save your time and don't cook up the algorithm yourselves, just point me to textbook examples that I can't seem to find. Working backwards from the Shunting Yard algorithm and using my knowledge about the notations I'll probably be able to work up a solution. I'm just looking for a quick shortcut, so I don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Oh, and please don't tag this as "homework", I swear I'm out of school already! ;-)

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Hanno Fietz Avatar asked Sep 17 '08 19:09

Hanno Fietz

1 Answers

Since RPN is also known as postfix notation, I tried googling convert "postfix to infix" and got quite a few results. The first several have code examples, but I found the RubyQuiz entry particularly enlightening.

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Bill the Lizard Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 06:10

Bill the Lizard