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What is the gstreamer caps syntax?



What is the syntax for caps, specifying media capabilities, in gstreamer? Caps are strings that specify the type of media allowed and look like "audio/x-raw-int,..." but I haven't been able to find good documentation on exactly what is allowed in a caps string.

like image 885
joeforker Avatar asked Mar 04 '10 15:03


2 Answers

The syntax is:


Note that the type is not a MIME type, however much it may look like one.

You can find out which caps properties elements support by using gst-inspect. It will proviide "pad templates" for the element's pads, which will specify the ranges of caps supported.

The GStreamer plugin writer's guide also contains a list of defined types which describes properties for common audio, video and image formats.

like image 172
daf Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 14:11


Here is the format as far as I understand it:

caps = <caps_name>, <field_name>=<field_value>[; <caps>]
<caps_name> = image/jpeg etc
<field_name> = width etc
<field_value> = <fixed_field_value>|<ranged_field_value>|<multi_field_value>
<fixed_field_value> = 800 etc
<ranged_field_value> = [<lower_value>, <upper_value>]
<multi_field_value> = {<fixed_field_value>, <fixed_field_value>, <fixed_field_value>, ...}
like image 38
Meros Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 15:11
