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What is the full list of provider id's for firebase.UserInfo.providerId?

The docs say

For example, 'facebook.com', or 'google.com'.

However, is the exhaustive list available somewhere and can I depend on it? Can these id's ever be a variation, like 'facebook' or 'google' (without the .com)?

Context: I am trying to figure out if the signed in user has a social login. So I want to loop through currentUser.providerData and match it against a known list of providerIds.

like image 775
Naresh Avatar asked Oct 24 '17 02:10


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What is provider in Firebase Authentication?

Federated identity provider integration Authenticate users by integrating with federated identity providers. The Firebase Authentication SDK provides methods that allow users to sign in with their Google, Facebook, Twitter, and GitHub accounts. Google. iOS Android Web C++ Unity.

How can I check if the phone number already exists in the Firebase Authentication?

In the Firebase console, open the Authentication section. In the Sign in method tab, enable the Phone provider if you haven't already. Open the Phone numbers for testing accordion menu. Provide the phone number you want to test, for example: +1 650-555-3434.

How do you check if a user is authenticated in Firebase?

You can easily detect if the user is logged or not by executing: var user = firebase. auth().

1 Answers

From the Sign-In Method sub-tab within Authentication found on the Firebase console for any project, you can see a list of available Sign-in providers:

enter image description here

Firebase's documentation doesn't seem to be even across different platforms, but for the iOS Reference docs there is a list of FirebaseAuth Constants that match up with those from the project console dashboard, with the exception of Anonymous provider:

  1. EmailAuthProviderID
  2. PhoneAuthProviderID
  3. GoogleAuthProviderID
  4. FacebookAuthProviderID
  5. TwitterAuthProviderID
  6. GitHubAuthProviderID
  7. AppleAuthProviderID
  8. YahooAuthProviderID
  9. MicrosoftAuthProviderID

After making a new iOS project from scratch and adding this code to the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method:

print("EmailAuthProviderID: " + EmailAuthProviderID)
print("PhoneAuthProviderID: " + PhoneAuthProviderID)
print("GoogleAuthProviderID: " + GoogleAuthProviderID)
print("FacebookAuthProviderID: " + FacebookAuthProviderID)
print("TwitterAuthProviderID: " + TwitterAuthProviderID)
print("GitHubAuthProviderID: " + GitHubAuthProviderID)
print("AppleAuthProviderID: " + AppleAuthProviderID)
print("YahooAuthProviderID: " + YahooAuthProviderID)
print("MicrosoftAuthProviderID: " + MicrosoftAuthProviderID)

The output I get is:

EmailAuthProviderID: password
PhoneAuthProviderID: phone
GoogleAuthProviderID: google.com
FacebookAuthProviderID: facebook.com
TwitterAuthProviderID: twitter.com
GitHubAuthProviderID: github.com
AppleAuthProviderID: apple.com
YahooAuthProviderID: yahoo.com
MicrosoftAuthProviderID: hotmail.com
like image 66
Pat Needham Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Pat Needham