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What is the first thing you do when you install Visual Studio? [closed]

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How do I start Visual Studio after installation?

If you have Visual Studio open, go to Tools > Get Tools and Features... which opens the Visual Studio Installer. Or, open the Visual Studio Installer from the Start menu.

When you open a Visual Studio What is the first window that you will see?

The first thing you'll see after you open Visual Studio is the start window. The start window is designed to help you "get to code" faster. It has options to clone or check out code, open an existing project or solution, create a new project, or simply open a folder that contains some code files.

Install the Consolas font.

I install ReSharper (sold by JetBrains) because it adds a lot of IDE behaviors/features that I became dependent on using Java IDEs.

The first thing I make others do is turn on line numbers for all file types, because it is impossible to pair with someone if you can't tell then what line of code you are looking at.

enable line numbering

  • Install Consolas
  • Install Resharper
  • Install TestDriven .Net
  • Set to show empty environment on startup.
  • Set max recent file list to 24 (max).
  • Set to a Visual Studio Dark theme
  • Set project default paths.
  • Set virus scanners to ignore my project directories