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What is the fastest way to read a large number of small files into memory?


I need to read ~50 files on every server start and place each text file's representation into memory. Each text file will have its own string (which is the best type to use for the string holder?).

What is the fastest way to read the files into memory, and what is the best data structure/type to hold the text in so that I can manipulate it in memory (search and replace mainly)?


like image 342
user63898 Avatar asked Mar 09 '09 08:03


2 Answers

A memory mapped file will be fastest... something like this:

    final File             file;     final FileChannel      channel;     final MappedByteBuffer buffer;      file    = new File(fileName);     fin     = new FileInputStream(file);     channel = fin.getChannel();     buffer  = channel.map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, file.length()); 

and then proceed to read from the byte buffer.

This will be significantly faster than FileInputStream or FileReader.


After a bit of investigation with this it turns out that, depending on your OS, you might be better off using a new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)) instead. However reading the whole thing all at once into a char[] the size of the file sounds like the worst way.

So BufferedInputStream should give roughly consistent performance on all platforms, while the memory mapped file may be slow or fast depending on the underlying OS. As with everything that is performance critical you should test your code and see what works best.


Ok here are some tests (the first one is done twice to get the files into the disk cache).

I ran it on the rt.jar class files, extracted to the hard drive, this is under Windows 7 beta x64. That is 16784 files with a total of 94,706,637 bytes.

First the results...

(remember the first is repeated to get the disk cache setup)

  • ArrayTest

    • time = 83016
    • bytes = 118641472
  • ArrayTest

    • time = 46570
    • bytes = 118641472
  • DataInputByteAtATime

    • time = 74735
    • bytes = 118641472
  • DataInputReadFully

    • time = 8953
    • bytes = 118641472
  • MemoryMapped

    • time = 2320
    • bytes = 118641472

Here is the code...

import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set;  public class Main {     public static void main(final String[] argv)     {         ArrayTest.main(argv);         ArrayTest.main(argv);         DataInputByteAtATime.main(argv);         DataInputReadFully.main(argv);         MemoryMapped.main(argv);     } }  abstract class Test {     public final void run(final File root)     {         final Set<File> files;         final long      size;         final long      start;         final long      end;         final long      total;          files = new HashSet<File>();         getFiles(root, files);          start = System.currentTimeMillis();          size = readFiles(files);          end = System.currentTimeMillis();         total = end - start;          System.out.println(getClass().getName());         System.out.println("time  = " + total);         System.out.println("bytes = " + size);     }      private void getFiles(final File      dir,                           final Set<File> files)     {         final File[] childeren;          childeren = dir.listFiles();          for(final File child : childeren)         {             if(child.isFile())             {                 files.add(child);             }             else             {                 getFiles(child, files);             }         }     }      private long readFiles(final Set<File> files)     {         long size;          size = 0;          for(final File file : files)         {             size += readFile(file);         }          return (size);     }      protected abstract long readFile(File file); }  class ArrayTest     extends Test {     public static void main(final String[] argv)     {         final Test test;          test = new ArrayTest();         test.run(new File(argv[0]));     }      protected long readFile(final File file)     {         InputStream stream;          stream = null;          try         {             final byte[] data;             int          soFar;             int          sum;              stream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));             data   = new byte[(int)file.length()];             soFar  = 0;              do             {                 soFar += stream.read(data, soFar, data.length - soFar);             }             while(soFar != data.length);              sum = 0;              for(final byte b : data)             {                 sum += b;             }              return (sum);         }         catch(final IOException ex)         {             ex.printStackTrace();         }         finally         {             if(stream != null)             {                 try                 {                     stream.close();                 }                 catch(final IOException ex)                 {                     ex.printStackTrace();                 }             }         }          return (0);     } }  class DataInputByteAtATime     extends Test {     public static void main(final String[] argv)     {         final Test test;          test = new DataInputByteAtATime();         test.run(new File(argv[0]));     }      protected long readFile(final File file)     {         DataInputStream stream;          stream = null;          try         {             final int fileSize;             int       sum;              stream   = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));             fileSize = (int)file.length();             sum      = 0;              for(int i = 0; i < fileSize; i++)             {                 sum += stream.readByte();             }              return (sum);         }         catch(final IOException ex)         {             ex.printStackTrace();         }         finally         {             if(stream != null)             {                 try                 {                     stream.close();                 }                 catch(final IOException ex)                 {                     ex.printStackTrace();                 }             }         }          return (0);     } }  class DataInputReadFully     extends Test {     public static void main(final String[] argv)     {         final Test test;          test = new DataInputReadFully();         test.run(new File(argv[0]));     }      protected long readFile(final File file)     {         DataInputStream stream;          stream = null;          try         {             final byte[] data;             int          sum;              stream = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));             data   = new byte[(int)file.length()];             stream.readFully(data);              sum = 0;              for(final byte b : data)             {                 sum += b;             }              return (sum);         }         catch(final IOException ex)         {             ex.printStackTrace();         }         finally         {             if(stream != null)             {                 try                 {                     stream.close();                 }                 catch(final IOException ex)                 {                     ex.printStackTrace();                 }             }         }          return (0);     } }  class DataInputReadInChunks     extends Test {     public static void main(final String[] argv)     {         final Test test;          test = new DataInputReadInChunks();         test.run(new File(argv[0]));     }      protected long readFile(final File file)     {         DataInputStream stream;          stream = null;          try         {             final byte[] data;             int          size;             final int    fileSize;             int          sum;              stream   = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));             fileSize = (int)file.length();             data     = new byte[512];             size     = 0;             sum      = 0;              do             {                 size += stream.read(data);                  sum = 0;                  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)                 {                     sum += data[i];                 }             }             while(size != fileSize);              return (sum);         }         catch(final IOException ex)         {             ex.printStackTrace();         }         finally         {             if(stream != null)             {                 try                 {                     stream.close();                 }                 catch(final IOException ex)                 {                     ex.printStackTrace();                 }             }         }          return (0);     } } class MemoryMapped     extends Test {     public static void main(final String[] argv)     {         final Test test;          test = new MemoryMapped();         test.run(new File(argv[0]));     }      protected long readFile(final File file)     {         FileInputStream stream;          stream = null;          try         {             final FileChannel      channel;             final MappedByteBuffer buffer;             final int              fileSize;             int                    sum;              stream   = new FileInputStream(file);             channel  = stream.getChannel();             buffer   = channel.map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, file.length());             fileSize = (int)file.length();             sum      = 0;              for(int i = 0; i < fileSize; i++)             {                 sum += buffer.get();             }              return (sum);         }         catch(final IOException ex)         {             ex.printStackTrace();         }         finally         {             if(stream != null)             {                 try                 {                     stream.close();                 }                 catch(final IOException ex)                 {                     ex.printStackTrace();                 }             }         }          return (0);     } } 
like image 120
TofuBeer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09


The most efficient way is:

  • Determine the length of the file (File.length())
  • Create a char buffer with the same size (or slightly larger)
  • Determine the encoding of the file
  • Use new InputStreamReader (new FileInputStream(file), encoding) to read
  • Read the while file into the buffer with a single call to read(). Note that read() might return early (not having read the whole file). In that case, call it again with an offset to read the next batch.
  • Create the string: new String(buffer)

If you need to search&replace once at startup, use String.replaceAll().

If you need to do it repeatedly, you may consider using StringBuilder. It has no replaceAll() but you can use it to manipulate the character array in place (-> no allocation of memory).

That said:

  1. Make your code as short and simple as possible.
  2. Measure the performance
  3. It it's too slow, fix it.

There is no reason to waste a lot of time into making this code run fast if it takes just 0.1s to execute.

If you still have a performance problem, consider to put all the text files into a JAR, add it into the classpath and use Class.getResourceAsStream() to read the files. Loading things from the Java classpath is highly optimized.

like image 38
Aaron Digulla Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09

Aaron Digulla