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What is the fastest way to learn Android and quickly start developing apps? [closed]



I am a recent computer science student and have intermediate knowledge of java. However I am good at PHP.

Please suggest me a fastest way to learn Android and start developing apps immediately.

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naquiuddin Avatar asked Nov 23 '10 14:11


People also ask

How quickly can you learn android development?

Pursuing the skills of core Java which leads to android development would require 3-4 months. Mastering the same is expected to take 1 to 1.5 years. Thus, in brief, if you are a beginner, it is estimated to take you around two years to have a good understanding and to start with android development projects.

How fast can I learn to develop an app?

But you can definitely learn to code your first app in less than 30 days. You can use these skills to create your own app and even other apps down the road. Like most things worth learning, the more you dedicate yourself, the faster your results will be.

4 Answers

Hello World App-- It's basic, but it gets you started. Then do the Views Tutorials to continue gaining exposure (both the to Android platform as well as the varying display options you have). After that, depending on what you're looking for you can find more relevant tutorials.

What kind of app are you trying to build? There may be more useful tutorials/resources to point you to.

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sahhhm Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10


The best way to learn is to practice, start with the samples on the android site: http://developer.android.com/resources/samples/index.html

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Martin Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10


Pick up a book such as Hello Android. It's an easy read to skim through to pick up the basics of Android. I also bought this book buy Reto Meier.

You can also learn a lot by reading some of the more popular questions on Stackoverflow tagged Android.

Poke around some open source projects. There are some popular ones such as FourSquare that you can look at. Here is a list on Wikipedia.

I also wrote about some of my first experiences on Android here with my open source app.

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Bryan Denny Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10

Bryan Denny

I would recommend checking out The Developer's Guide. To help you familiarize yourself with the concepts and sample android development.

You may want to also follow android blogs such as Android-er to see what is recent happenings with Android and to get tips.

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Malachi Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10
