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What is the fastest way to get all the keys between 2 keys in a SortedList?




Given a populated SortedList<DateTime, double>. I would like to get all the keys (or their index range, what should be a closed int interval (missed I something?)) for a given low and high DateTime interval.

Note: The low and high values are not necessary are actually in the SortedList.

If anyone has better idea how to do this without a SortedList, here is a bit wider scope what I would like to do, and I found SortedList may be suitable:

  • I would like to cache doubles with a DateTime key.
  • Access performance to the double having the given key is preferable over the performance of adding keys an removing keys
  • Here is the thing: I must "invalidate" the cache for a given key range (delete the keys) Again there is no guarantee that the range min and max is exactly found in the cache.
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g.pickardou Avatar asked May 22 '14 12:05


People also ask

How do you sort the generic SortedList in the descending order?

Use Comparer<T> to sort the SortedList in descending order instead of creating a separate class. Thus, you can create an instance of SortedList<TKey, TValue> to sort the collection in descending order.

When should you use a SortedDictionary T class rather than a SortedList T class?

SortedDictionary is implemented with Binary Search Tree, while SortedList is implemented with two internal arrays for keys and values, respectively. SortedList is more memory-efficient than SortedDictionary, and SortedList is faster than SortedDictionary when it needs to go through all items at once.

Can sorted list have duplicate keys?

A SortedList does not allow duplicate keys. Operations on a SortedList object tend to be slower than operations on a Hashtable object because of the sorting. Elements in this collection can be accessed using an integer index.

What is SortedList c#?

In C#, SortedList is a collection of key/value pairs which are sorted according to keys. By default, this collection sort the key/value pairs in ascending order. It is of both generic and non-generic type of collection.

2 Answers

I wondered why SortedList<TKey, TValue> doesn't provide a BinarySearch when it's already sorted by the keys. It also uses the method itself(f.e. in IndexOf), but the array used is a private field. So i've tried to create an extension method for this. Have a look:

public static class SortedListExtensions
    public static int BinarySearch<TKey, TValue>(this SortedList<TKey, TValue> sortedList, TKey keyToFind, IComparer<TKey> comparer = null)
        TKey[] keyArray = sortedList.GetKeyArray();
        if (comparer == null) comparer = Comparer<TKey>.Default;
        int index = Array.BinarySearch<TKey>(keyArray, keyToFind, comparer);
        return index;

    public static IEnumerable<TKey> GetKeyRangeBetween<TKey, TValue>(this SortedList<TKey, TValue> sortedList, TKey low, TKey high, IComparer<TKey> comparer = null)
        int lowIndex = sortedList.BinarySearch(low, comparer);
        if (lowIndex < 0)
            // list doesn't contain the key, find nearest behind
            // If not found, BinarySearch returns the complement of the index
            lowIndex = ~lowIndex;

        int highIndex = sortedList.BinarySearch(high, comparer);
        if (highIndex < 0)
            // list doesn't contain the key, find nearest before
            // If not found, BinarySearch returns the complement of the index
            highIndex = ~highIndex - 1;

        IList<TKey> keys = sortedList.Keys;
        for (int i = lowIndex; i < highIndex; i++)
            yield return keys[i];
    private static TKey[] GetKeyArray<TKey, TValue>(this SortedList<TKey, TValue> sortedList)
        // trying to resolve array with reflection because SortedList.keys is a private array
        Type type = typeof(SortedList<TKey, TValue>);
        FieldInfo keyField = type.GetField("keys", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        if(keyField != null && keyField.GetValue(sortedList) is TKey[] keyArrayFromReflection)
            return keyArrayFromReflection;      
        // fallback: fill a new array from the public Keys property, you might want to log this since you should change the reflection implementation
        IList<TKey> keyList = sortedList.Keys;
        TKey[] keyArray = new TKey[keyList.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < keyArray.Length; i++)
            keyArray[i] = keyList[i];
        return keyArray;

Create a sample SortedList:

DateTime start = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-50);
var sortedList = new SortedList<DateTime, string>();
for(int i = 0; i < 50; i+=2)
    var dt = start.AddDays(i);
    sortedList.Add(dt, string.Format("Date #{0}: {1}", i, dt.ToShortDateString()));

DateTime low = start.AddDays(1);   // is not in the SortedList which contains only every second day
DateTime high = start.AddDays(10);

Now you can use the extension method to get the range of keys between a low- and high-key:

IEnumerable<DateTime> dateRange = sortedList.GetKeyRangeBetween(low, high).ToList();



Note that this is built from scratch and not really tested.

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Tim Schmelter Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 15:11

Tim Schmelter

As the list is sorted you can use binary search to locate the endpoints of your interval. Worst case performance will be O(log n).

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Jonas Jämtberg Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11

Jonas Jämtberg