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What is the fastest ArangoDB friends-of-friends query (with count)

I'm trying to use ArangoDB to get a list of friends-of-friends. Not just a basic friends-of-friends list, I also want to know how many friends the user and the friend-of-a-friend have in common and sort the result. After several attempts at (re)writing the best performing AQL query, this is what I ended up with:

LET friends = (
  FOR f IN GRAPH_NEIGHBORS('graph', @user, {"direction": "any", "includeData": true, "edgeExamples": { name: "FRIENDS_WITH"}})
  RETURN f._id

LET foafs = (FOR friend IN friends
  FOR foaf in GRAPH_NEIGHBORS('graph', friend, {"direction": "any", "includeData": true, "edgeExamples": { name: "FRIENDS_WITH"}})
    FILTER foaf._id != @user AND foaf._id NOT IN friends
    COLLECT foaf_result = foaf WITH COUNT INTO common_friend_count
    RETURN {
      user: foaf_result,
      common_friend_count: common_friend_count
FOR foaf IN foafs
  SORT foaf.common_friend_count DESC
  RETURN foaf

Unfortunately, performance is not as good as I would've liked. Compared to the Neo4j versions of the same query(and data), AQL seems quite a bit slower (5-10x).

What I'd like to know is... How can I improve our query to make it perform better?

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Terry Seidler Avatar asked Oct 22 '15 11:10

Terry Seidler

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What is the difference between ArangoDB and aql?

A scalable, fully managed graph database, document store and search engine in one place. ArangoDB Oasis is the cloud service for ArangoDB. AQL is a declarative query language letting you access the very same data with a broad range of access patterns like traversals, JOINs, search, geospatial or any combination.

What is ArangoDB Oasis?

ArangoDB Oasis is the cloud service for ArangoDB. AQL is a declarative query language letting you access the very same data with a broad range of access patterns like traversals, JOINs, search, geospatial or any combination. Everyone experienced with SQL will have an easy start with AQL and might think AQL feels more like coding.

Video Answer

1 Answers

I am one of the core developers of ArangoDB and tried to optimize your query. As I do not have your dataset I can only talk about my test dataset and would be happy to hear if you can validate my results.

First if all I am running on ArangoDB 2.7 but in this particular case I do not expect a major performance difference to 2.6.

In my dataset I could execute your query as it is in ~7sec. First fix: In your friends statement you use includeData: true and only return the _id. With includeData: false GRAPH_NEIGHBORS directly returns the _id and we can also get rid of the subquery here

LET friends = GRAPH_NEIGHBORS('graph', 
                              {"direction": "any",
                               "edgeExamples": { 
                                   name: "FRIENDS_WITH"

This got it down to ~ 1.1 sec on my machine. So I expect that this will be close to the performance of Neo4J.

Why does this have a high impact? Internally we first find the _id value without actually loading the documents JSON. In your query you do not need any of this data, so we can safely continue with not opening it.

But now for the real improvement

Your query goes the "logical" way and first gets users neighbors, than finds their neighbors, counts how often a foaf is found and sorts it. This has to build up the complete foaf network in memory and sort it as a whole.

You can also do it in a different way: 1. Find all friends of user (only _ids) 2. Find all foaf (complete document) 3. For each foaf find all foaf_friends (only _ids) 4. Find the intersection of friends and foaf_friends and COUNT them

This query would like this:

LET fids = GRAPH_NEIGHBORS("graph",
                             "edgeExamples": {
                               "name": "FRIENDS_WITH"
                              "minDepth": 2,
                              "maxDepth": 2,
                              "direction": "any",
                              "includeData": true,
                              "edgeExamples": {
                                "name": "FRIENDS_WITH"
  LET commonIds = GRAPH_NEIGHBORS("graph",
                                  foaf._id, {
                                    "direction": "any",
                                    "edgeExamples": {
                                      "name": "FRIENDS_WITH"
  LET common_friend_count = LENGTH(INTERSECTION(fids, commonIds))
  SORT common_friend_count DESC
  RETURN {user: foaf, common_friend_count: common_friend_count}

Which in my test graph was executed in ~ 0.024 sec

So this gave me a factor 250 faster execution time and I would expect this to be faster than your current query in Neo4j, but as I do not have your dataset I can not verify it, it would be good if you could do it and tell me.

One last thing

With the edgeExamples: {name : "FRIENDS_WITH" } it is the same as with includeData, in this case we have to find the real edge and look into it. This could be avoided if you store your edges in separate collections based on their name. And then remove the edgeExamples as well. This will further increase the performance (especially if there are a lot of edges).


Stay tuned for our next release, we are right now adding some more functionality to AQL which will make your case much easier to query and should give another performance boost.

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mchacki Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
