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What is the exhaustive list of all "android.intent.action" actions available in the Android SDK?

Hi fellows,

I'd like to know if there is some exhaustive reference of all Intent actions defined in the standard Android SDK ? I'm thinking of the full "android.intent.action.someaction" names, not the restricted list of conveniently aliased actions defined in the Intent class, e.g Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Intent.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED, etc...

For those who believe all Intent actions are aliased in the Intent class (I was one of them until very recently) I have at least one action which is not : android.intent.action.HDMI_PLUG (defined in media/java/android/media/AudioService.java) and I believe there are many others.

But I could not find some exhaustive list in the Android Reference, so maybe if you can direct me to some place I can find it ?

Thanks !

--- UPDATE 23/01/2012 15h36 ---

Thanks to CommonsWare for mentioning HDMI_PLUG is not at all part of the Android SDk... it was a bad example, but still, there are intents that are not defined in Intent.java, such as TelephonyManager.ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED.

like image 755
Wouzz Avatar asked Jan 23 '12 11:01


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1 Answers

Hey I think I answered my own question :)

In my Android SDK directory, under /platforms/android-x/data (x being the API level) I've found several very interesting files:

  • activity_actions.txt
  • broadcast_actions.txt
  • categories.txt
  • features.txt
  • widgets.txt

Turns out the first two contain plenty of raw Intents, including ones that are not defined in Intent.java !

I'm not quite sure what theses lists are here for, I'd just like to be sure they are exhaustive for their API level... (even if I don't see why they wouldn't be)

like image 91
Wouzz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
