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What is the ES6 Promise equivalent of jQuery Deferred's 'always`? [duplicate]

I have something like the following:

getUser("foo").then(handleSuccess, handleError).always(tidyUp); 

getUser returns a jQuery Deferred object.

I understand from this article that I can convert the Deferred object to a native Promise using Promise.resolve, so I can write

Promise.resolve(getUser("foo"))   .then(handleSuccess)   .catch(handleError) 

The Promise API doesn't offer an always method though, so I'm wondering how that should be handled.

Is it as follows?

 Promise.resolve(getUser("foo"))   .then(handleSuccess)   .then(tidyUp)   .catch(handleError)   .then(tidyUp) 
like image 733
user5325596 Avatar asked Oct 01 '15 08:10


People also ask

What is the promise in jQuery?

The . promise() method returns a dynamically generated Promise that is resolved once all actions of a certain type bound to the collection, queued or not, have ended. By default, type is "fx" , which means the returned Promise is resolved when all animations of the selected elements have completed.

What is jQuery Deferred and promise object?

The Deferred object can be employed when performing asynchronous operations, such as Ajax requests and animations. In jQuery, the Promise object is created from a Deferred object or a jQuery object. It possesses a subset of the methods of the Deferred object: always() , done() , fail() , state() , and then() .

What is Deferred promise in Javascript?

version added: 1.5deferred. The deferred. promise() method allows an asynchronous function to prevent other code from interfering with the progress or status of its internal request.

What is Deferred in jQuery?

Deferred() method in JQuery is a function which returns the utility object with methods which can register multiple callbacks to queues. It calls the callback queues, and relay the success or failure state of any synchronous or asynchronous function.

2 Answers

I think the following is what you're looking for:

 Promise.resolve(getUser("foo"))   .then(handleSuccess, handleError)   .then(tidyUp) 

tidyUp will be always called. See the following jsbin for the full example: http://jsbin.com/lujubu/edit?html,js,console,output

like image 128
Oleksii Rudenko Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10

Oleksii Rudenko

Use your always function as the handler for resolve and reject to ensure it will always be called.

function getUser(result) {     switch (result) {         case 'good':             return Promise.resolve();          case 'bad':             return Promise.reject();          case 'ugly':             return new Promise(() => { throw new Error() })     } }  function handleSuccess() { console.log('success') } function handleError() { console.log('error') } function tidyUp() { console.log('all tidy now') }   Promise.resolve(getUser('good'))     .then(handleSuccess)     .catch(handleError)     .then(tidyUp, tidyUp);  Promise.resolve(getUser('bad'))     .then(handleSuccess)     .catch(handleError)     .then(tidyUp, tidyUp);  Promise.resolve(getUser('ugly'))     .then(handleSuccess)     .catch(handleError)     .then(tidyUp, tidyUp);  // success // error // error // all tidy now // all tidy now // all tidy now 

Promise API Reference

like image 34
reergymerej Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10
