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What is the easiest way to disable/enable buttons and links (jQuery + Bootstrap)

Sometimes I use anchors styled as buttons and sometimes I just use buttons. I want to disable specific clicky-things so that:

  • They look disabled
  • They stop being clicked

How can I do this?

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biofractal Avatar asked May 27 '13 16:05


People also ask

How do I make a button disabled in bootstrap?

Use the . disabled class in Bootstrap to disable a button.

How do I enable button disabled and enabled in jQuery?

To disable a button with jQuery you need to set the disabled property on the button using the prop method. For example $('. my-button'). prop('disabled', true) .

2 Answers


Buttons are simple to disable as disabled is a button property which is handled by the browser:

<input type="submit" class="btn" value="My Input Submit" disabled/> <input type="button" class="btn" value="My Input Button" disabled/> <button class="btn" disabled>My Button</button> 

To disable these with a custom jQuery function, you'd simply make use of fn.extend():

// Disable function jQuery.fn.extend({     disable: function(state) {         return this.each(function() {             this.disabled = state;         });     } });  // Disabled with: $('input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], button').disable(true);  // Enabled with: $('input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], button').disable(false); 

JSFiddle disabled button and input demo.

Otherwise you'd make use of jQuery's prop() method:

$('button').prop('disabled', true); $('button').prop('disabled', false); 

Anchor Tags

It's worth noting that disabled isn't a valid property for anchor tags. For this reason, Bootstrap uses the following styling on its .btn elements:

.btn.disabled, .btn[disabled] {     cursor: default;     background-image: none;     opacity: 0.65;     filter: alpha(opacity=65);     -webkit-box-shadow: none;     -moz-box-shadow: none;     box-shadow: none;     color: #333;     background-color: #E6E6E6; } 

Note how the [disabled] property is targeted as well as a .disabled class. The .disabled class is what is needed to make an anchor tag appear disabled.

<a href="http://example.com" class="btn">My Link</a> 

Of course, this will not prevent links from functioning when clicked. The above link will take us to http://example.com. To prevent this, we can add in a simple piece of jQuery code to target anchor tags with the disabled class to call event.preventDefault():

$('body').on('click', 'a.disabled', function(event) {     event.preventDefault(); }); 

We can toggle the disabled class by using toggleClass():

jQuery.fn.extend({     disable: function(state) {         return this.each(function() {             var $this = $(this);             $this.toggleClass('disabled', state);         });     } });  // Disabled with: $('a').disable(true);  // Enabled with: $('a').disable(false); 

JSFiddle disabled link demo.


We can then extend the previous disable function made above to check the type of element we're attempting to disable using is(). This way we can toggleClass() if it isn't an input or button element, or toggle the disabled property if it is:

// Extended disable function jQuery.fn.extend({     disable: function(state) {         return this.each(function() {             var $this = $(this);             if($this.is('input, button, textarea, select'))               this.disabled = state;             else               $this.toggleClass('disabled', state);         });     } });  // Disabled on all: $('input, button, a').disable(true);  // Enabled on all: $('input, button, a').disable(false); 

Full combined JSFiddle demo.

It's worth further noting that the above function will also work on all input types.

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James Donnelly Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10

James Donnelly

I can't think a simpler/easier way! ;-)

Using Anchor tags (Links) :

<a href="#delete-modal" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete">Delete</a> 

To enable the Anchor tag:

 $('#delete').removeClass('disabled');  $('#delete').attr("data-toggle", "modal"); 

enter image description here

To disable the Anchor tag:

 $('#delete').addClass('disabled');  $('#delete').removeAttr('data-toggle'); 

enter image description here

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oikonomopo Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10
