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What is the difference queue:work and queue:listen



I can't understand what's the difference between Laravel queue:work and Laravel queue:listen

I can see that:

  • Queue: Listen to a given queue
  • Work: Process the next job on a queue

But still don't get it, because I've tried both, both will run queue if there is any new queue ("work option" not just running once)

I'm not talking about the daemon option. Just these both.

when i ran queue:work it works like listen

like image 619
MisterCat Avatar asked Feb 01 '17 22:02


People also ask

What is difference between queue and job in Laravel?

Jobs and QueuesThe line itself is the Queue, and each customer in the line is a Job. In order to process Jobs in the Queue you need command line processes or daemons. Think of launching a queue daemon on the command line as adding a new bank teller to the pool of available bank tellers.

How Laravel database queue works?

The Laravel queue service provides a unified API across a variety of different queue back-ends. Queues allow you to defer the processing of a time consuming task, such as sending an e-mail, until a later time which drastically speeds up web requests to your application.

What are queues and jobs?

A job queue contains an ordered list of jobs waiting to be processed by a subsystem. The job queue is the first place that a submitted batch job goes before becoming active in a subsystem. The job is held here until a number of factors are met.

What is daemon in Laravel?

You may already know that a daemon is simply a process that runs in the background instead of one that's under the direct control of a user. In Laravel, the command you're probably most familiar with running as a daemon is php artisan horizon , which starts the Horizon master process that spawns all the child workers.

2 Answers

Until Laravel 5.2 you had :listen and :work.

Work would process the first job in the queue.

Listen would process all jobs as they came through.

In Laravel 5.3+ this is no longer the case. Listen still exists, but it is deprecated and slated for removal in 5.5. You should prefer :work now.

Work now process jobs one after the other, but have a plethora of options you can configure.


The above was true at the time of the posting, but since then things have been changed a bit.

queue:work should be preferred when you want your queue's to run as a daemon. This would be a long-lived process that would be beneficial where performance was an issue. This will use a cached version of the application and does not re-bootstrap the application every time a job is processed.

queue:listen should be used when you don't care about performance or you don't want to have to restart the queue after making changes to the code.

  • They'll both pop jobs off the queue 1-by-1 as received.
  • They both share almost the exact same options that can be passed to them.
like image 52
Ohgodwhy Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 18:09


In Laravel 5.3+ queue:work runs a daemon listener. It could in 5.2 as well if you specified the --daemon flag. A daemon work boots the framework one time and then processes jobs repeatedly. The queue:listen command runs a queue:work --once sub-process in a loop which boots the framework each iteration.

queue:work should pretty much always be used in production as it's much more efficient and uses less RAM. However; you need to restart it after each core change. queue:listen is useful for development and local environments because you don't have to restart it after code changes (because the framework is booting fresh each job).

from here

like image 42
ShahinSorkh Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
