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What is the difference between vm.$set and Vue.set?

I have carefully read and re-read the Vue docs "Reactivity in Depth" and the API for vm.$set and Vue.set but I am still having a difficult time determining when to use which. It is important for me to be able to distinguish between the two because in my current Laravel project, we are setting a lot of properties on objects dynamically.

The distinction in the docs seems to be between the language that vm.$set is "For Vue instance" while Vue.set is "For plain data objects" and that Vue.set is global:

However, there are ways to add a property and make it reactive after an instance has been created.

For Vue instances, you can use the $set(path, value) instance method:

vm.$set('b', 2) // `vm.b` and `data.b` are now reactive 

For plain data objects, you can use the global Vue.set(object, key, value) method:

Vue.set(data, 'c', 3) // `vm.c` and `data.c` are now reactive 

Finally, I was wondering if the 3rd "option" of doing the above (which is for adding multiple properties at one time) could be used as an equivalent substitute for either of the 2 options above (by adding just 1 property instead of multiple)?

Sometimes you may want to assign a number of properties on to an existing object, for example using Object.assign() or _.extend(). However, new properties added to the object will not trigger changes. In such cases, create a fresh object with properties from both the original object and the mixin object:

// instead of `Object.assign(this.someObject, { a: 1, b: 2 })` this.someObject = Object.assign({}, this.someObject, { a: 1, b: 2 }) 
like image 918
Bryan Miller Avatar asked Apr 16 '16 23:04

Bryan Miller

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}) A Vue instance is essentially a ViewModel as defined in the MVVM pattern, hence the variable name vm you will see throughout the docs. When you instantiate a Vue instance, you need to pass in an options object which can contain options for data, template, element to mount on, methods, lifecycle callbacks and more.

What is VUE set used for?

Vue. set is a tool that allows us to add a new property to an already reactive object, and makes sure that this new property is ALSO reactive.

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2 Answers

Here is the release note that went with the introduction of Vue.set:

Vue no longer extends Object.prototype with $set and $delete methods. This has been causing issues with libraries that rely on these properties in certain condition checks (e.g. minimongo in Meteor). Instead of object.$set(key, value) and object.$delete(key), use the new global methods Vue.set(object, key, value) and Vue.delete(object, key).

So, .$set used to be available on all objects - it is now only available on a View Model itself. Vue.set is therefore used in those cases now when you have a reference to a reactive object but do not have a reference to the View Model it belongs to.

like image 195
David K. Hess Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10

David K. Hess

In simpler terms, Both are same, $set available inside component(instance) like this.$set(), where as Vue.set is static method available globally.

this.$set(someobject, 'key', 'value')

Vue.set(someobject, 'key', 'value')

like image 39
Naren Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10
