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What is the difference between the <%# and <%= opening tags?




While editing an aspx file I found both these opening tags used for seemingly the same thing. Is there a difference and if yes, what is it?

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sebastiaan Avatar asked Sep 19 '08 10:09


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2 Answers

<%= is a equivalent to <% Repsonse.Write()

You can write any content out here: for example

<%=myProperty + " additional Text" %>

<%# is a binding expression. You can retrieve any public value in the current context (for example in GridViews). But you cannot mix content here.

Take a look at MSDN for more information.

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Johannes Hädrich Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09

Johannes Hädrich

The difference is that the # symbol specifies a data binding directive, that is resolved at data binding time (for example, when you call Page.DataBind ) and the = sign specifies an evaluation expression just evaluates and prints to the HTML output when that line is processed.

Edit: Just adding that only inside <%# %> you have acces to databinding functions like Eval.

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Sergio Acosta Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09

Sergio Acosta