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What is the difference between textView.setText(string) and textView.text = $string




Hi I am making a app with Kotlin and I found that I can both use



textView.text = $str

I wanna know what I should use and the differences between them. Thank you.

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JaVirang Avatar asked Jul 16 '19 11:07


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textView.setText (str) and textView.text = $str, does the same job of setting the specified str to TextView. The only difference I can come up with is, textView.setText (str) // old Java way of setting Text where method setText (str) was being called.

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1 Answers

They're the same in most cases, basically Kotlin generates a synthetic property for the class attributes based on their getter, which you can use to assign values to and get values from.

//So, for most cases
textView.setText("some value");
//Is the same as
textView.text = "some value"
//The second is simply shorter and is the 'kotlin way' of assigning values

Now, here's the catch -

In most cases, this works fine. But, as mentioned, the synthetic property is generated from the getter, if there is a setter as well, then issues arise. The reason is that the getter and the setter may have different types. For example, EditText has Editable getter, now, kotlin creates a synthetic property text of the type Editable.

editText.setText("some value"); //Works
editText.text = "some value" //Won't work, will show an error stating that expected type is Editable
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Chrisvin Jem Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 13:09

Chrisvin Jem