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What is the difference between std::tie and std::make_tuple with std::ref arguments?


Is there any semantic difference between writing the expression

std::tie( x, y, z ) 

and the following expression?

std::make_tuple( std::ref(x), std::ref(y), std::ref(z) ) 

If so, what are the differences?

By the way, this question is not asking the same as What is the difference between assigning to std::tie and tuple of references? because the tuple of references is not created via std::ref, but by explicitly specifying the type.

like image 884
Ralph Tandetzky Avatar asked Apr 25 '16 11:04

Ralph Tandetzky

People also ask

What is Make_tuple?

std::make_tupleCreates a tuple object, deducing the target type from the types of arguments. For each Ti in Types... , the corresponding type Vi in VTypes... is std::decay<Ti>::type unless application of std::decay results in std::reference_wrapper<X> for some type X , in which case the deduced type is X& .

What does std :: tie do?

std::tie. Constructs a tuple object whose elements are references to the arguments in args , in the same order. This allows a set of objects to act as a tuple, which is especially useful to unpack tuple objects.

How is std :: tie implemented?

So basically, std::tie(a) initializes a data member reference to a . std::tuple<int>(24) creates a data member with value 24 , and the assignment assigns 24 to the data member reference in the first structure. But since that data member is a reference bound to a , that basically assigns 24 to a .

What is std :: tuple?

Class template std::tuple is a fixed-size collection of heterogeneous values. It is a generalization of std::pair. If std::is_trivially_destructible<Ti>::value is true for every Ti in Types , the destructor of tuple is trivial.

2 Answers

There is almost no functional difference between the two expressions. tie() is just shorter whereas make_tuple() is more generic.

According to [tuple.creation], make_tuple does:

template<class... Types> constexpr tuple<VTypes...> make_tuple(Types&&... t); 

Let Ui be decay_t<Ti> for each Ti in Types. Then each Vi in VTypes is X& if Ui equals reference_wrapper<X>, otherwise Vi is Ui.

Hence std::make_tuple( std::ref(x), std::ref(y), std::ref(z) ) yields a std::tuple<X&, Y&, Z&>.

On the other hand, tie does:

template<class... Types> constexpr tuple<Types&...> tie(Types&... t) noexcept; 

Returns: tuple<Types&...>(t...). When an argument in t is ignore, assigning any value to the corresponding tuple element has no effect.

Hence, std::tie(x, y, z) also yields a std::tuple<X&, Y&, Z&>.

Except in one edge case.

like image 140
Barry Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 17:10


There is a difference when any of x, y and z is a specialization of std::reference_wrapper.

#include <tuple> #include <functional>  void f(std::reference_wrapper<int> x, int y, int z) {     std::tie(x,y,z); // type is std::tuple<std::reference_wrapper<int>&, int&, int&>     std::make_tuple(std::ref(x),std::ref(y),std::ref(z)); // type is std::tuple<int&, int&, int&> } 
like image 37
cpplearner Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 17:10
