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What is the difference between RxJava 2 Cancellable and Disposable?


I want to create an Observable from view click listener using RxJava 2. I started from the simplest implementation (I don't use lambdas here to show you different types in this method):

 Observable<View> viewObservable = Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<View>() {         @Override         public void subscribe(@NonNull ObservableEmitter<View> e) throws Exception {             mNewWordView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {                 @Override                 public void onClick(View value) {                     if (!e.isDisposed()) {                         e.onNext(value);                     }                 }             });         }     }); 

Then I thought about the way to set onClickListener to null if it is not needed further. I found that there are two methods with similar (as for me) names:

e.setCancellable(Cancellable c); and e.setDisposable(Disposable d);

What is the difference between them and which should I use?

like image 572
Gaket Avatar asked Apr 07 '17 14:04


1 Answers

From the Javadoc:

[Cancellable is] A functional interface that has a single cancel method that can throw.

The Disposable is not a functional interface plus when implementing its dispose() method, you are not allowed to throw checked exceptions.

In contrast, many non-RxJava components return a Closeable or AutoCloseable which are defined via throws IOException and throws Exception and are somewhat of a burden because you'd need try-catch it.

For example, you'd want to use setCancellable when you work with a file:

Observable.create((ObservableEmitter<byte[]> e) -> {     FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("raw.dat");     e.setCancellable(fin::close);      byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];      for (;;) {         int r = fin.read(buffer);         if (r < 0) {             break;         }         e.onNext(buffer);     }     e.onComplete(); }); 

and you'd use setDisposable if you use a Scheduler:

Observable.create((ObservableEmitter<Event> e) -> {     Worker worker = Schedulers.io().createWorker();     e.setDisposable(worker);      eventSource.onEvent(es ->         worker.schedule(() -> e.onNext(es))     ); }); 
like image 170
akarnokd Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10
