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What is the difference between Rspec have_css, have_selector, and have_field?



I have this html.erb Rails form:

<h1 class=new_vendor_header>New Vendor Form</h1>

<%= form_for(@vendor) do |f| %>
  <%= f.label :name %>
  <%= f.text_field :name, placeholder: "ex: Jeff" %>
  <%= f.submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>

This passes:

expect(page).to have_selector('input[placeholder="ex: Jeff"]')

But this does not:

expect(page).to have_field('input[placeholder="ex: Jeff"]')

and this does not:

expect(page).to have_selector('input[placeholder="ex: Jeff"]')

Selector refers to HTML selector right so it refers to html elements? have_css I thought looked for CSS but it seems to do more. Here is the example from the cheat sheet:

response.body.should have_css("input", :count => 3) #True if there are 3 input tags in response

And that seems to look for input HTML selectors.

So what is the difference and why do the other two fail in my example?

like image 660
Jwan622 Avatar asked Jul 22 '15 11:07


1 Answers

From Docs here have_css will call has_selector with css as a param, as has_selector can handle css, xpath, ...

def have_css(css, options={})
      HaveSelector.new(:css, css, options)
like image 186
mohamed-ibrahim Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09
