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What is the difference between Reactjs and Rxjs?




Basically I am start learning Rxjs and I am a little bit confused between React and Rxjs. I was supposing that Reactjs and Rxjs is same.


  1. If Reactjs and Rxjs is the same then why are we using Reactjs over Rxjs or vise versa?

  2. If Reactjs and Rxjs not same, then please briefly differentiate both the languages.

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Ahmer Ali Ahsan Avatar asked Jan 16 '17 06:01

Ahmer Ali Ahsan

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While RxJS is typically thought of as being used with Angular projects, it's a completely separate library that can be used with other JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue.

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RxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables, to make it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code.

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React is a library, but Angular is a full-fledged framework. The virtual DOM and one-way data binding are used by React. js, but the real DOM and two-way data binding are used by Angular. There's also a speed difference (React's is faster) and a difference in bundle size (React's is smaller) (React works a bit faster).

1 Answers

This is really different, React is view library and Rxjs is reactive programming library for javascript. You can use Rxjs inside react view but in reactjs, people usually use a library like Redux, flux, mobx or relayjs (if they use graphql) for data flow.

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Rahmat Aligos Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

Rahmat Aligos