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What is the difference between Preferences and SharedPreferences in Android?

What is the difference between java.util.prefs.Preferences and android.content.SharedPreferences? Looks like they are for similar things - you can put and get a value by a key in both of them, but Preferences looks like something more difficult and belongs more to the OS than to an app.

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andstepko Avatar asked Jan 03 '17 13:01


People also ask

What are preferences in Android?

Preferences in Android are used to keep track of application and user preferences. In our case, we can modify the SharedPreference instance in our case using the edit() and use the putInt(String key, int newVal) We increased the count for our application that presist beyond the application and displayed accordingly.

Where are shared preferences stored Android?

Android Shared Preferences Overview Android stores Shared Preferences settings as XML file in shared_prefs folder under DATA/data/{application package} directory. The DATA folder can be obtained by calling Environment.

What is the difference between SQLite and SharedPreferences in Android?

Shared preferences can only store key-value pairings whilst an SQLite database is much more flexible. So shared preferences are particularly useful for storing user preferences, e.g. should the app display notifications etc. Whilst an SQLite database is useful for just about anything.

What is the difference between commit and apply in SharedPreferences?

Unlike commit() , which writes its preferences out to persistent storage synchronously, apply() commits its changes to the in-memory SharedPreferences immediately but starts an asynchronous commit to disk and you won't be notified of any failures.

1 Answers

Preferences is a core java class link1

java.util.prefs.Preferences : This class allows applications to store and retrieve user and system preference and configuration data. This data is stored persistently in an implementation-dependent backing store.

SharedPreferences is an android specific interface link2

android.content.SharedPreferences : Interface for accessing and modifying preference data returned by getSharedPreferences(String, int). For any particular set of preferences, there is a single instance of this class that all clients share.

like image 180
msdev16 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09
