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What is the difference between microservices and webservices?


The closest I got to finding the actual difference is this article.

But I didn't understand what would make me choose one over the other and if microservices can also use a REST API and communicate via http.

I mainly didn't understand what a microservice is and if it can come instead of a webservice, other than the purpose of

breaking large software applications into loosely coupled modules

like image 853
Amir.F Avatar asked Aug 02 '17 06:08


People also ask

Can a webservice be microservice?

A microservice is a software architecture, which can be implemented with webservices.

What's difference between API and microservices?

Here are the main differences between APIs and microservices: An API is a contract that provides guidance for a consumer to use the underlying service. A microservice is an architectural design that separates portions of a (usually monolithic) application into small, self-containing services.

Is microservices a web technology?

Microservices are small, autonomous services that work together, while web services are any service that is available over the internet and is built using standard internet technologies. Microservices are a set of small self-sustained small services or applications designed to solve problems for systems that are big.

2 Answers

A microservice is a software architecture, which can be implemented with webservices.

A webservice is just a technology (one of many) for providing services over "web" or HTTP.

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Kayaman Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10


I got simple answer here that says : Microservices is a new software architecture. It is based on web services. But it can be any service implemented as an independent feature that has its own database and can be deployed independently.

Microservices is an architecture wherein all the components of the system are put into individual components, which can be built, deployed, and scaled individually.

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Rakesh Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
