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What is the difference between foo.toString() and Object.prototype.toString.call(foo)?



If I define a function:

function foo() {

I can print the function definition by calling the toString method on the foo function.



function foo() { alert(this.x); }

If I then run



"[object Function]"

It is surprising the me that the output is different. I thought these two forms were equivalent?, i.e. the foo function inherited the toString method from the top level Object and using Object.prototype.toString.call(foo) was just calling toString passing the foo function as the this.
What is the difference between these two forms of invocation?

like image 356
the_velour_fog Avatar asked Sep 05 '16 10:09


People also ask

What is object prototype toString?

prototype. toString() returns "[object Type]" , where Type is the object type. If the object has a Symbol. toStringTag property whose value is a string, that value will be used as the Type . Many built-in objects, including Map and Symbol , have a Symbol.

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In JavaScript, the Object. prototype. toString() method is used to return a string that can represent the object. The toString() method is automatically inherited by every object which is inherited from Object.

What is the function toString () method?

toString . For user-defined Function objects, the toString method returns a string containing the source text segment which was used to define the function. JavaScript calls the toString method automatically when a Function is to be represented as a text value, e.g. when a function is concatenated with a string.

What is toString call?

The toString function for Object (the built-in type for objects) happens to return what type of object it is as a string with the format [object Type]. So for example: const arr = [1,2,3,4,5] Object. prototype. toString. call(arr) // returns "[object Array]" const str = 'test' str.

1 Answers

What is the difference between these two forms of invocation?

It's not just a difference in the form of the invocation, you're also calling a different function entirely.

i.e. the foo function inherited the toString method from the top level Object and using Object.prototype.toString.call(foo) was just calling toString passing the foo function as the this.

All perfect, except the first bit. :-) foo doesn't inherit toString from Object.prototype, because foo is a function, and Function.prototype (which inherits from Object.prototype) overrides toString to give it different behavior.

You can see that like this:

console.log(foo.toString === Object.prototype.toString); // false

It's also entirely possible for foo to have its own toString, overriding the one it inherits from Function.prototype, but by default it doesn't.

So changing just the form of the invocation, we'd get these, which are equivalent:




or if we know foo doesn't override Function.prototype's version, then:

like image 189
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 17:10

T.J. Crowder