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What is the difference between BeforeTest and BeforeMethod in TestNG



Both annotations runs before the @test in testNG then what is the difference between two of them.

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Sameer Dev Avatar asked Jun 12 '18 07:06

Sameer Dev

People also ask

What is BeforeMethod in testNG?

@BeforeMethod annotated method will be run before each test method i.e say there are three test methods (i.e test cases), then @BeforeMethod annotated method will be called thrice before each test method. The following is a list of attributes supported by the @BeforeMethod annotation: Attribute.

What is the difference between BeforeClass and BeforeTest in testNG selenium Webdriver?

@BeforeTest is executed once before the execution of all methods in all classes within test tag. on the other hand; @BeforeClass is executed once before the execution of all methods within the class it is defined.

What is the difference between @BeforeMethod and BeforeClass?

Key points in these differences are:@BeforeTest method executes only once before the first @Test method. @BeforeClass executes before each class.

What is @BeforeTest?

@BeforeTest: The method which comes under the @BeforeTest annotation will be executed first before any test belonging to that folder. ADVERTISEMENT.

1 Answers

check below code and output

import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.Test;  public class Test_BeforeTestAndBeforeMethod {      @BeforeTest     public void beforeTest()     {         System.out.println("beforeTest");     }      @BeforeMethod     public void beforeMethod()     {         System.out.println("\nbeforeMethod");     }       @Test     public void firstTest()     {         System.out.println("firstTest");     }      @Test     public void secondTest()     {         System.out.println("secondTest");     }      @Test     public void thirdTest()     {         System.out.println("thirdTest");     } } 


beforeTest  beforeMethod firstTest  beforeMethod secondTest  beforeMethod thirdTest 
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irfan Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09
