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What is the difference between = and :=




I'm sure this is straightforward but I cannot find the correct string to get a google result. In VB.NET what is the difference between = (equals sign) and := (colon followed by equals sign)?

like image 662
Jason Irwin Avatar asked Apr 18 '09 15:04

Jason Irwin

People also ask

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The := syntax is shorthand for declaring and initializing a variable, example f := "car" is the short form of var f string = "car" The short variable declaration operator( := ) can only be used for declaring local variables.

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Variables defined with ' := ' or ' ::= ' are simply expanded variables; these definitions can contain variable references which will be expanded before the definition is made.

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:= is not a valid operator in C. It does however have use in other languages, for example ALGOL 68. Basically, for what you want to know, the := in this example is used to assign the variable PTW32_TRUE to localPty->wNodeptr->spin.

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2 Answers

The := operator is used to pass arguments by name in VB.Net. For instance take the following code

Sub Foo(p1 As integer, p2 As String)
End Sub

Sub Test()
End Sub

If you look strictly at the types involved here I've passed the values out of order. But Because I bound the arguments by name using :=, the compiler will properly pass the values.

The = operator depends on the context in VB.Net. It can be either an assignment or comparison operator. For instance

Dim x = 42 ' Assignment
if x = 36 Then 
 'Comparison above
End if
like image 64
JaredPar Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 19:10


The equal sign is used for assignment and is also a comparison operator. An example of assignment is

  a = 5

An example of comparison is

  if (a = 5) then
    ' do something here
  end if

The := is used specifically for calling functions with setting particular parameters to the value by name. For example:

Sub studentInfo(ByVal name As String, _
       Optional ByVal age As Short = 0, _
       Optional ByVal birth As Date = #1/1/2000#)

  Debug.WriteLine("Name = " & name & _
                "; age = " & CStr(age) & _
                "; birth date = " & CStr(birth))
End Sub

Normally, you would call the function like this:

Call studentInfo("Mary", 19, #9/21/1981#)

But you can also call the function this way:

Call studentInfo("Mary", birth:=#9/21/1981#)
like image 42
Tommy Hui Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 18:10

Tommy Hui