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What is the difference between $ and $$?

I have been going through some jQuery functionality.

Can any one please give me some idea of what the difference is between the use of $ and $$?

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Amar Avatar asked Dec 18 '12 12:12


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1 Answers

$ and $$ will work on any web page (if jQuery is not included also) on Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers where $ returns first element of selector passed.


$ is document.querySelector

$$ is document.querySelectorAll

They are native functions of Google Chrome and Firefox browsers, you can see $ and $$ definition in Safari as well.

Open Google in any of Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari, and open Developer Tools to check these results... (why Google, because they won't use jQuery or Moo tools)

$('div');  // returns first DIV in DOM
$$('div'); // returns all DIVs in DOM

enter image description here

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Ranganadh Paramkusam Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Ranganadh Paramkusam