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What is the difference between an Oracle and Microsoft schema?


Is this an accurate way to describe the difference in the meaning of schemas between the two technologies?

  • An Oracle schema is associated with a single user and consists of the objects owned by the user.
  • A MS SQL Server schema is a namespace.
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Tarzan Avatar asked Mar 19 '11 22:03


People also ask

What is the difference between Oracle and Microsoft?

Microsoft uses an extension of SQL called Transact SQL (or T-SQL), whereas Oracle goes with Procedural Language/SQL. These two variations have different syntax, capabilities, and handle some things (like variables, built-in functions, and stored procedures) differently.

What is the difference between schema and database in Oracle?

The database is a collection of schema, records, and constraints for the tables. On the other hand, a schema contains the structure of tables, attributes, their types, constraints, and how they relate to other tables. The DDL statement is used to generate and modify the schema.

What is a schema in Microsoft?

The Microsoft Active Directory schema contains formal definitions of every object class that can be created in an Active Directory forest. The schema also contains formal definitions of every attribute that can exist in an Active Directory object.

What is an Oracle schema?

A schema is a collection of database objects. A schema is owned by a database user and has the same name as that user. Schema objects are logical structures created by users. Objects such as tables or indexes hold data, or can consist of a definition only, such as a view or synonym.

1 Answers

Oracle schemas are like My Documents folders in the Windows OS. A user can grant permissions to other users to see things in their schema but an Oracle schema is essentially a user's workspace.

MS SQL Server's schemas are namespaces. While you can have Accounting and Marketing schemas, they are not tightly-coupled to individual users. Objects in an Accounting schema contain accounting information and objects in the Marketing schema have marketing information.

Oracle schemas are tightly-coupled to users and MS SQL Server schemas are primarily for classification.

See this question for more information: Difference between SQL Server and Oracle user

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Tarzan Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09
