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What is the difference between a workflow and a flowchart if any?

I'm doing a study on how to visualize a process of an application. Now I found the term workflow and workflow management but it's a little confusing.

When I searched further the term flowchart also showed up.

My question is now, is there any difference between the two because I see those two used in the same context.


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Gerard Avatar asked Sep 15 '10 07:09


1 Answers



"A workflow" is a definition of a process for how an item of work should be done.

A flowchart is a diagram for describing a process. So a workflow can be described by a flowchart.

Perhaps it is the case that workflows are commonly described by flowcharts, that some people may use the two terms interchangably.

Does that help?

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Jaydee Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10
