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What is the difference between a Navigation Property and an Association in EF?

I use EF4.

Hope my question is not too trivial:

What is the difference between a Navigation Property and an Association in EF?

If you could give me a simple explanation with an example would be great thanks!

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GibboK Avatar asked Jun 24 '11 15:06


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1 Answers

An association is the definition of a relationship between two entity types (ala a foreign key)

A navigation property really is a property that allows you to traverse from one end of an association to the other.

Edit: Sorry you wanted an example.

Take a look at this MS documentation. It makes it pretty clear the difference.

Navigation Properties

Association Types

To blatantly inline their documentation (self hosted the images):


PublishedBy and WrittenBy are associations. They tie together Book/Publisher and Book/Author (ala foreign keys)

Navigation Property

Notice Books in the Publisher and Author entities. This "navigation property" allows you to traverse back to the book entity and retrieve it's information as well. (Author.Books.Title for example)

Hope that explains it!

like image 168
Khepri Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10
