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What is the definition of proxy-aware

I need clarification on the buzzword "Proxy-Aware". Does it mean that a proxy is sensed after the app attempts to directly perform a operation with a host? Or is it that after the creation of a proxy object (think .net WebProxy) and passing in proxy address, port, login etc.., the app knows how create and use the proxy connection to the server?

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Mark Irvin Avatar asked Oct 05 '12 20:10

Mark Irvin

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What is a proxy easy definition?

Definition of proxy 1 : the agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as a substitute for another. 2a : authority or power to act for another. b : a document giving such authority specifically : a power of attorney authorizing a specified person to vote corporate stock.

What is an example of a proxy?

Proxy is a stand-in for someone else, the authority to stand-in for or represent someone else, or a document giving permission for someone else to vote on your behalf. An example of proxy is someone who is named to make health care decisions for you if you are unable to do so.

Should proxy settings be on or off?

Here you have all the settings that are related to setting up a proxy in Windows. It's basically split into two configurations: either Automatic or Manual proxy setup. In 99% of the cases, everything should be set to Off. If anything is turned on, your web traffic could be going through a proxy.

What is a proxy answer?

The term “proxy“ refers to an IP address which is the personal addresses of every device connected to the internet.

2 Answers

I think the word means if the application is able to establish connections to one or more proxy servers to reroute your connection attempt to target hosts through these proxy servers.

E.g. web browsers(proxy-aware) with proxy settings connects to the proxy server first and requests the proxy server to connect to your requested web page, but most terminal clients does not support proxy setting and can not perform such a process and thus are not proxy-aware.

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user1904483 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 11:10


After sifting through a few postings looking for a definition, I have come up with the definition for myself. "A proxy aware app is an app such that given a address (and/or creds) to a proxy as well as the destination address, the app will create the proxy connection and will manage the software side of the traffic between client, proxy connection and the destination." I conclude that a necessary condition to be a proxy-aware app is NOT the ability to sense a proxy but the ability to accept and manage the fact that there is an intermediate, addressable hop between client and destination.

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Mark Irvin Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 11:10

Mark Irvin