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What is the default transaction isolation level for SQL Server with ADO.NET?

What is the default transaction isolation level for SQL Server with ADO.NET? I am using a default installation of SQL Server and just the normal System.Data.SqlClient classes.

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Jonathan Allen Avatar asked Apr 03 '12 23:04

Jonathan Allen

People also ask

What is the default isolation level in SQL Server?

The isolation level of the transactional support is default to READ UNCOMMITTED. You can change it to READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT ISOLATION by turning ON the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT database option for a user database when connected to the master database.

What is isolation level in transaction in Ado net?

An interesting thing to note in connecting to a database is the IsolationLevel, which allows you to lock your transaction in various ways. The default isolation level is ReadCommitted, which allows you to alter data during a transaction.

What is default transaction isolation level?

Transaction Isolation Levels The default isolation level is REPEATABLE READ . Other permitted values are READ COMMITTED , READ UNCOMMITTED , and SERIALIZABLE .

What are the transaction isolation levels in SQL?

InnoDB offers all four transaction isolation levels described by the SQL:1992 standard: READ UNCOMMITTED , READ COMMITTED , REPEATABLE READ , and SERIALIZABLE .

2 Answers

READ COMMITTED is the default isolation level for the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine.


  • Customizing Transaction Isolation Level @ MSDN.

Here is how it compares to other isolation levels:

  • Transaction Isolation Levels @ MSDN.

The MSDN documentation for SqlConnection.BeginTransaction() also states Read committed

... To reset the isolation level to the default (READ COMMITTED) ...

  • MSDN article
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hkf Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10


The accepted answer by hkf gives the correct answer for transactions started manually with SqlConnection.BeginTransaction(). Here, the default level is ReadCommitted.

However, this is not the only way to start a new transaction in ADO.NET: Transactions can also be created automatically by using the classes from the System.Transactions namespace, in particular, by creating a TransactionScope.

Contrary to transactions started manually, transactions created by the System.Transactions infrastructure (and, thus, by a TransactionScope) are Serializable.

See below link for more information:

  • IsolationLevel Enumeration @ MSDN.
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user2818985 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10
