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What is the default path for cpanm to install Perl modules?

Before I use cpanm to install some Perl modules on a "new" (to me) system, I would like to know where they will get installed by default.

I don't see any kind of a dry-run option, which is what I'd hoped for.

perl -V includes this %ENV and @INC info:

  PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base /home/randall/perl5"

Does that define the behavior, or are there other considerations? Specifically, the documentation for cpanm includes:

-l, --local-lib
    Sets the local::lib compatible path to install modules to. You don't
    need to set this if you already configure the shell environment
    variables using local::lib, but this can be used to override that as

But it does not indicate which environment variables are significant.

like image 538
Randall Avatar asked Jan 27 '17 22:01


People also ask

Where are Perl modules installed?

You need to use instmodsh (interactive inventory for installed Perl modules) command to find out what modules already installed on my system. instmodsh command provides an interactive shell type interface to query details of locally installed Perl modules.

Where are Perl modules installed in Ubuntu?

You'll find them in /usr/lib/perl/{VERSION}/ as well as /usr/lib64/perl/{VERSION}/ . {VERSION} corresponding to the version of Perl. You can get it with perl --version .

How do I install CPAN modules?

To install Perl modules using CPAN, you need to use the cpan command-line utility. You can either run cpan with arguments from the command-line interface, for example, to install a module (e.g Geo::IP) use the -i flag as shown.

1 Answers

This can be of help: https://metacpan.org/pod/App::cpanminus#Where-does-this-install-modules-to?-Do-I-need-root-access?

Where does this install modules to? Do I need root access?

It installs to wherever ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build are configured to (via PERL_MM_OPT and PERL_MB_OPT).

By default, it installs to the site_perl directory that belongs to your perl. You can see the locations for that by running perl -V and it will be likely something under /opt/local/perl/... if you're using system perl, or under your home directory if you have built perl yourself using perlbrew or plenv.

If you've already configured local::lib on your shell, cpanm respects that settings and modules will be installed to your local perl5 directory.

At a boot time, cpanminus checks whether you have already configured local::lib, or have a permission to install modules to the site_perl directory. If neither, i.e. you're using system perl and do not run cpanm as a root, it automatically sets up local::lib compatible installation path in a perl5 directory under your home directory.

like image 192
polettix Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11
