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What is the default __hash__ in python?



I am quite often using funky stuff as keys for dictionaries, and therefore, I am wondering what is the right way to do it - and this goes through implementing good hash methods for my objects. I am aware of other questions asked here like good way to implement hash, but I'd like to understand how the default __hash__ works for custom objects, and if it is possible to rely on it.

I have noticed that mutables are explicitely unhashable since hash({}) raises an error ... but strangely, custom classes are hashable :

>>> class Object(object): pass >>> o = Object() >>> hash(o) 

So, does anybody knows how this default hash function works ? By understanding this, I'd like to know :

Can I rely on this default hash, if I put objects of a same type as keys of a dictionary ? e.g. :

key1 = MyObject() key2 = MyObject() key3 = MyObject() {key1: 1, key2: 'blabla', key3: 456} 

Can I rely on it if I use objects of different types as keys in a dictionary ? e.g.

{int: 123, MyObject(10): 'bla', 'plo': 890} 

And in the last case also, how to make sure that my custom hashes don't clash with the builtin hashes ? e.g :

{int: 123, MyObject(10): 'bla', MyObjectWithCustomHash(123): 890} 
like image 642
sebpiq Avatar asked Jul 04 '12 07:07


People also ask

What is the default hash function in Python?

Python chose SipHash because it's a cryptographic hash function with decent performance characteristics, developed by trusted security experts. A “cryptographic” hash function is one that makes finding hash collisions very difficult, and thus prevents attackers from landing collision attacks.

What is __ hash __ for in Python?

Python hash() In this tutorial, we will learn about the Python hash() method with the help of examples. The hash() method returns the hash value of an object if it has one. Hash values are just integers that are used to compare dictionary keys during a dictionary look quickly.

Are Python objects hashable by default?

Python custom objects are hashable by default. Their hash is derived from their Id. In the example, we have two instances of a User . We have two instances with the same data.

Does Python have a hash function?

Python hash() function is a built-in function and returns the hash value of an object if it has one. The hash value is an integer which is used to quickly compare dictionary keys while looking at a dictionary.

2 Answers

What you can rely on: custom objects have a default hash() that is based in some way on the identity of the object. i.e. any object using the default hash will have a constant value for that hash over its lifetime and different objects may or may not have a different hash value.

You cannot rely on any particular relationship between the value returned by id() and the value returned by hash(). In the standard C implementation of Python 2.6 and earlier they were the same, in Python 2.7-3.2 hash(x)==id(x)/16.

Edit: originally I wrote that in releases 3.2.3 and later or 2.7.3 or later the hash value may be randomised and in Python 3.3 the relationship will always be randomised. In fact that randomisation at present only applies to hashing strings so in fact the divide by 16 relationship may continue to hold for now, but don't bank on it.

Hash collisions don't usually matter: in a dictionary lookup to find an object it must have the same hash and must also compare equal. Collisions only matter if you get a very high proportion of collisions such as in the denial of service attack that led to recent versions of Python being able to randomise the hash calculation.

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Duncan Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10


In Python 3 the following function is used on subclasses of object against the id() of the object (from pyhash.c)

Py_hash_t _Py_HashPointer(void *p) {     Py_hash_t x;     size_t y = (size_t)p;     /* bottom 3 or 4 bits are likely to be 0; rotate y by 4 to avoid        excessive hash collisions for dicts and sets */     y = (y >> 4) | (y << (8 * SIZEOF_VOID_P - 4));     x = (Py_hash_t)y;     if (x == -1)         x = -2;     return x; } 

SIZEOF_VOID_P is 8 for 64-bit Python and 4 for 32-bit Python.

>>> class test: pass ... >>> a = test() >>> id(a) 4325845928 >>> hash(a) -9223372036584410438 

You can see that the hash is calculated from id(a) using the formula (id(a) >> 4) | (id(a) << (8 * SIZEOF_VOID_P - 4)), where the bitwise operations are performed on C signed integers. For example, for the a defined above:

>>> import numpy >>> y = numpy.array([4325845928], dtype='int64') >>> SIZEOF_VOID_P = 8 >>> (y >> 4) | (y << (8 * SIZEOF_VOID_P - 4)) array([-9223372036584410438]) 

Note that I am using numpy.array(dtype='int64') so that the bitwise operations act the same way they would in C (if you perform the same operation on Python ints you get different behavior because they don't overflow). See https://stackoverflow.com/a/5994397/161801.

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asmeurer Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
