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What is the correct way with NPM to package a BUILT version of a forked Git repository?

I recently forked a GitHub repository to fix a problem, and created a pull request. While I wait for the pull request to be accepted, I have pointed my local package.json at my forked repo, like so:

devDependencies: {
    "karma-mocha": "maloric/karma-mocha"

However it turns out that karma-mocha requires a build step to be executed to generate lib/adapter.js - a vital part of the package. This file is listed in .gitignore, so does not exist in the repository. The build step is a grunt task that is normally executed when the package is published to npm, so adapter.js exists in the downloaded npm module.

My question is this: what is the correct way to package a forked, built version of the repository so that I can use it as a dependency? As far as I can tell, I have the following options:

  1. Build the repository locally, create a .tgz file with the built files, then host this somewhere and point my package.json to that file.
  2. Build the repository locally, alter .gitignore to allow adapter.js, then push to a branch on Github and use that branch as my dependency.

Either of these would work, but I feel like I am missing something. Does npm have a concept of forked packages? Not every git repository can be used as a dependency without some sort of build/dist step, so what is the accepted way to do this kind of thing?

like image 597
Maloric Avatar asked Mar 22 '16 15:03


People also ask

How do I fork a git repository?

You can fork any repo by clicking the fork button in the upper right hand corner of a repo page. Click on the Fork button to fork any repo on github.com.

How do I pull a forked repository?

To pull down (i.e. copy) the changes merged into your fork, you can use the Terminal and the git pull command. To begin: On your local computer, navigate to your forked repo directory. Once you have changed directories to the forked repo directory, run the command git pull .

1 Answers

That seems similar to karma-runner/karma-jasmine issue 38, not exactly the same library, but the same idea, and issue with adapter.js:

As you correctly pointed out, adapter.js generated by grunt build.
adpater.js is placed only in npm repository when we run grunt release.

If you want use your version of karma-jasmine then you can remove lib/adapter.js from .gitignore.

So option 2.

like image 170
VonC Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10
