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What is the correct way to store some data in `<a>` anchor tag?

i usually use data-*** to store some data.

<a href="#" data-address="some data">click</a>

i can get it in jquery using


it works fine. but i want to know is it the right way of doing and is there any compatibility issues??

or does i need to use the rel ie:

<a href="#" rel="some data">click</a>


i updated a fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/suhailvs/XYZQK/

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suhailvs Avatar asked Jul 17 '13 05:07


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1 Answers

the rel attribute when referrering to an a tag is for search engines to determine the relationship between the document and the one it's linking to.

the data attribute can be used by developers to make custom attributes while storing data in it.

that being said data-*** is the correct way to store some data.

MDN HTML attribute reference



Since the data and rel(referrering to a tag) attributes are suppose to be ignored by browsers, you can use both, either/or. Although it's best practice to use the data tag to store 'data' .


if you want search engines to recongize certain links or elements as data describing your content, like page description, publish date, page image, so and so forth, you might want to read up on 'rich search result' and 'rich snippets' from google.

these link will start you out Rich search results or About rich snippets and structured data

like image 139
Jay Harris Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

Jay Harris