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What is the correct way to refresh Facebook OAuth2 access token after it expires?

As I understand it, this is the basic process for new Facebook iframe canvas apps using the OAuth2 API in a nutshell:

  1. Redirect to (or have user click link to) app's authorization URL
  2. User authorizes and is redirected to your callback URL
  3. Callback uses "code" parameter to get a access token
  4. Access token is used with Graph API to pull or push information

The problem is that access tokens expire relatively quickly and need to be "refreshed", so my questions are 1) how do you detect that the token has expired aside from trying to use it and simply getting an error? and 2) what is the best practice for obtaining a new token?

Currently, I just detect that there was an error trying to get the user's information with their access token, then redirect to the authorization URL again -- since they already authorized the app a blank page flashes by and they are redirected back to my app callback where I get a fresh token. It's so clunky I can't believe this is the proper method.

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mtjhax Avatar asked Jan 07 '11 03:01


People also ask

How do I refresh my Facebook access token?

These tokens are refreshed once per day, when the person using your app makes a request to Facebook's servers. If no requests are made, the token will expire after about 60 days and the person will have to go through the login flow again to get a new token.

How do I refresh OAuth access token?

To use the refresh token, make a POST request to the service's token endpoint with grant_type=refresh_token , and include the refresh token as well as the client credentials if required.

Can you refresh an expired token?

Once they expire, client applications can use a refresh token to "refresh" the access token. That is, a refresh token is a credential artifact that lets a client application get new access tokens without having to ask the user to log in again.

How do I handle expired access tokens?

Token Refresh Handling: Method 1convert expires_in to an expire time (epoch, RFC-3339/ISO-8601 datetime, etc.) store the expire time. on each resource request, check the current time against the expire time and make a token refresh request before the resource request if the access_token has expired.

2 Answers

  1. The only way to tell if a cookie is valid is to use it and catch the error if it is expired. There is no polling method or anything to check if a token is valid.

  2. To get a new token, simply redirect the user to the authentication page again. Because they have already authorized your app they will instantly be redirected back to your app and you will have a new token. They won't be prompted to allow since they have already done that.

In short, there are no tricks to this. You are already doing it correctly.

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Nathan Totten Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 00:10

Nathan Totten

Recently, facebook has made some changes to access tokens which allows them to be refreshed periodically.

https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token? client_id=APP_ID& client_secret=APP_SECRET& grant_type=fb_exchange_token& fb_exchange_token=EXISTING_ACCESS_TOKEN  

For more details, check here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/roadmap/completed-changes/offline-access-removal

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logan Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 00:10
