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What is the Concrete class in java



According to this document, and many similar documents, a concrete class is described as:

A concrete class in Java is any such class which has implementation of all of its inherited members either from interface or abstract class

And can used like this:

public abstract class A {
 public abstract void methodA();

interface B {
 public void printB();

public class C extends A implements B {
   public void methodA() {
        System.out.print("I am abstract implementation");

  public void printB() {
       System.out.print("I am interface implementation");

In the above example class C is a concrete class.

Is this the only way to create a concrete class. Can you give me more info about concrete class?

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Priyantha Avatar asked Apr 05 '17 07:04


4 Answers

A concrete class is a class that has an implementation for all of its methods that were inherited from abstract or implemented via interfaces. It also does not define any abstract methods of its own. This means that an instance of the class can be created/allocated with the new keyword without having to implement any methods first. Therefore it can be inferred that any class that is not an abstract class or interface is a concrete class.

In your code above, C will be a concrete class as it implements all abstract methods inherited from A and implemented from B. Also, it does not define any abstract methods of its own.

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mdewit Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10


The simplest definition of a concrete class is that it's a class that is not abstract.

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Lew Bloch Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10

Lew Bloch

As per name suggests, concrete means Solid, it means having no any row part or unimplemented things(methods).So we can conclude that concrete classes are those classes that can be instantiated with new key word. MyClass myClass = new MyClass();

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Brajesh Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10


A concrete class in Java is any such class which has implementation of all of its inherited members either from interface or abstract class

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harishhari302 Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10
