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What is the complexity of the code to find word in a set of cubes

I have solved the program here. Previously I thought complexity was O(n!) where n were characters in the word.

But today I feel it is wrong. It should be (6)^(characters in the word) where 6 is the sides in the cube.

Making it more generic, assuming cube would have more than 6 sides, the complexity should be O(cubefaces ^ (characters in input word))

Can someone please explain me time-complexity in this case?

like image 983
JavaDeveloper Avatar asked Apr 13 '15 22:04


2 Answers

If there is if (cubeMatrix.length != word.length()) return false;, and every side letter of the cube is unique (i.e. no two sides of a cube have the same letter), then the time complexity of your algorithm is O(SN - S + 1S!) when N >= S, and O(S N!) when N <= S. Here S is the number of cube sides, and N is the number of cubes.

In brief, you make the recursive call only then there is a unused letter in the word corresponding to the cube side letter, so, in the worst case the number of times you make the recursive call is not more than the number of word letters left unused. And the number of unused word letters decreases with increasing of the recursion depth, and eventually this number becomes less than the number of cube sides. That's why, in the final recursion depths the complexity becomes factorial.

A bit more details

Let's introduce f(n) that is how many times you call findWordExists with cubeNumber = n. We also introduce g(n) that is how many times findWordExists with cubeNumber = n recursively calls itself (but now with cubeNumber = n + 1).

f(0) = 1, because you call findWordExists non-recursively only once.

f(n) = f(n - 1) g(n - 1) when n > 0.

We know that g(n) = min { S, N - n }, because, as I already pointed out, findWordExists is called recursively no more times than the number of letters left — the if (frequency > 0) check is responsible for this — and the number of letters left equals to the number of cubes left, i.e. N - n.

Now we can calculate how many times findWordExists is called in total:
f(0) + f(1) + ... + f(N) =
= 1 + g(0) + g(0) g(1) + ... + g(0) g(1) ... g(N - 1) =
= 1 + S + S2 + ... + SN - S + SN - S (S - 1) + SN - S (S - 1) (S - 2) + ... + SN - S (S - 1) (S - 2) ... 1 =
= O(SN - SS!).

But every findWordExists call (except finals) iterate over each side, so we need to multiply the number of findWordExists calls by the number of sides: S O(SN - SS!) = O(SN - S + 1S!) — and that is our time complexity.

Better Algorithm

Actually, your problem is a bipartite matching problem, so there are much more efficient algorithms than brute force, e.g. Kuhn’s algorithm.

The complexity of Kuhn’s algorithm is O(N M), where N is the number of vertices, and M is the number of edges. In your case, N is the number of cubes, and M is just N2, so the complexity in your case could be O(N3). But you also need to iterate over all the sides of all the cubes, so if the number of cube sides is greater than N2, then the complexity is O(N S), where S is the number of cube sides.

Here is a possible implementation:

import java.util.*;

public class CubeFind {
    private static boolean checkWord(char[][] cubes, String word) {
        if (word.length() != cubes.length) {
            return false;
        List<Integer>[] cubeLetters = getCubeLetters(cubes, word);
        int countMatched = new BipartiteMatcher().match(cubeLetters, word.length());
        return countMatched == word.length();

    private static List<Integer>[] getCubeLetters(char[][] cubes, String word) {
        int cubeCount = cubes.length;

        Set<Character>[] cubeLetterSet = new Set[cubeCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < cubeCount; i++) {
            cubeLetterSet[i] = new HashSet<>();
            for (int j = 0; j < cubes[i].length; j++) {
        List<Integer>[] cubeLetters = new List[cubeCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < cubeCount; i++) {
            cubeLetters[i] = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int j = 0; j < word.length(); j++) {
                if (cubeLetterSet[i].contains(word.charAt(j))) {
        return cubeLetters;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        char[][] m = {{'e', 'a', 'l'} , {'x', 'h' , 'y'},  {'p' , 'q', 'l'}, {'l', 'h', 'e'}};
        System.out.println("Expected true,  Actual: " + CubeFind.checkWord(m, "hell"));
        System.out.println("Expected true,  Actual: " + CubeFind.checkWord(m, "help"));
        System.out.println("Expected false, Actual: " + CubeFind.checkWord(m, "hplp"));
        System.out.println("Expected false, Actual: " + CubeFind.checkWord(m, "hplp"));
        System.out.println("Expected false, Actual: " + CubeFind.checkWord(m, "helll"));
        System.out.println("Expected false, Actual: " + CubeFind.checkWord(m, "hel"));

class BipartiteMatcher {
    private List<Integer>[] cubeLetters;
    private int[] letterCube;
    private boolean[] used;

    int match(List<Integer>[] cubeLetters, int letterCount) {
        this.cubeLetters = cubeLetters;
        int cubeCount = cubeLetters.length;
        int countMatched = 0;

        letterCube = new int[letterCount];
        Arrays.fill(letterCube, -1);

        used = new boolean[cubeCount];
        for (int u = 0; u < cubeCount; u++) {
            if (dfs(u)) {

                Arrays.fill(used, false);
        return countMatched;

    boolean dfs(int u) {
        if (used[u]) {
            return false;
        used[u] = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < cubeLetters[u].size(); i++) {
            int v = cubeLetters[u].get(i);

            if (letterCube[v] == -1 || dfs(letterCube[v])) {
                letterCube[v] = u;
                return true;
        return false;
like image 104
dened Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11


for (int i = 0; i <  cubeMatrix[cubeNumber].length; i++) 

This will tell about the number of characters in the given cubes(or rather faces of the cube).

Also, inside this loop, you have a

if (frequency > 0) {
   charFreq.put(cubeMatrix[cubeNumber][i], frequency - 1);
   if (findWordExists(cubeMatrix, charFreq, cubeNumber + 1)) {
      return true;
          // and so on.

This will result in a recursive call, thereby calling for the cubeNumber+1, then cubeNumber+1+1,.., and so on.

And, at last when this condition

if (cubeNumber == cubeMatrix.length) {
        for (Integer frequency : charFreq.values()) {
            if (frequency > 0) return false;
        return true;

will meet, the for-loop wont't get executed any further.

Assuming, no. of cubes = n, and the characters stored in each cube = generalised faces of each cube(as coined by OP) = f.


Starting from 0th cube to (n-1)th cube, the for-loop will iterate for cubeMatrix[cubeNumber].length times, which is equal to the number of characters stored in each cube = f times.

And, in each of the iteration of the for-loop, the actual recursive call in the case of cubeNumber 0 will be n-1 times, till it reaches the last cube number.

Hence, for each character entry in the cubeArray(f characters), we have to call all the cubes available(total n as per our assumption).

Hence, total number of times the code checks for finding a word = f ^ n.

In your terms, f = cubefaces = number of characters possible on the faces of your generalised cube;

and , n = total number of cubes available for your test.

It does depend on the frequency of characters which is reduced based upon the character in the word when the word length doesn't match with the number of cubes.In that case, the result will be false.

But, in those case where word length is equal to the number of cubes, in the worst case, the output will be independent of the word length.

Strictly, it will also depend on the number of characters of the word(as comparison with frequency will reduce several cases in calculation), but, in worst-case scenario, unfortunately, it doesn't depend on the number of characters in the word as we will be checking all the entries of characters in all of the available cubes to create the word.

like image 32
Am_I_Helpful Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
